jCookies, a jQuery plugin, makes getting and settings HTTP Cookies a breeze. jCookies allows the storage of any type of data: strings, arrays, objects, etc. A while back while developing my FormBuilder I needed a good solution for storing cookies via JavaScript. As a result of the work down for that project I built jCookies.
It’s time to give something back! In our first Giveaway we want to give you the opportunity to win a free copy of the PHP invoicing system Rocket Invoice! Update: […]
This multimedia gallery for images, video and audio is a progression of our previous galleries. The idea for this new gallery is to integrate video and audio as exhibit pieces […]
Today we will show you how to create an online application for giving some funny touches to an image. We will be using jQuery and jQuery UI for dragging and […]
Here’s an implementation of a contact form with PHP and jQuery. Usually, one would only want the message posted by the user to be sent to an email address. This […]
This application aims to show you who your first follower was in twitter. It’s done with PHP and jQuery and of course it uses the twitter API. Two of the […]
Here’s an easy way to translate your web site using PHP. The idea is to have several files for each language you want to provide. Each one of these files […]
My next Twitter API experiment: Get the theme’s colors from any Twitter account! With this PHP and jQuery code you can call the Twitter API and request the RGB color […]
Today I was playing around with the Twitter API and created this little “widget” using jQuery and PHP. I know, there are already plenty of them, but I wanted to […]
Please check the updated version here! Some time ago I posted the Dynamic jQuery Image Gallery with Uploader which uses the class.upload, uploadify and ad-gallery scripts. This time I want […]
Here is a collection of free CAPTCHA scripts and services than you can easily integrate into your website using PHP or JavaScript: 1. PHP CAPTCHA Library for reCAPTCHA http://recaptcha.net/plugins/php
The jQuery Style Slider allows you to change the style of certain html elements in real time and save the style setting to a MySQL database table using PHP. This […]
Update: There’s a new version of this Login Script. Here’s a PHP Login System, based on the one developed by jpmaster77: PHP Login System with Admin Features Focusing only on […]
Here’s a simple way to execute the windows dir or the linux ls in PHP Windows: <?php $row = exec(‘dir’,$output,$error); while(list(,$row) = each($output)){ echo $row, “<BR>n”; } if($error){ echo “Error […]
Here’s a simple function that calculates the number of days between two dates. <?php //day’s seconds = 86400 function days_between($day_i,$month_i,$year_i,$day_f,$month_f,$year_f){ $days_in_between = (mktime(0,0,0,$month_f,$day_f,$year_f) – mktime(0,0,0,$month_i,$day_i,$year_i))/86400; return $days_in_between; } ?> //If […]