
Codrops is dedicated to provide high quality content that is completely free of charge for its readers. With over half a million active users every month, Codrops is a great place to advertise to a wonderful international audience of web designers and developers!

As a potential sponsor, you hold the key to unlocking an extraordinary opportunity – the chance to introduce your brand to this brilliant audience. With an array of carefully crafted advertising options, we provide a platform where your message will genuinely connect with our audience.

Have a look at our banner ads that you can purchase via our ad management platform. Below you can find all other sponsorship options. If you have any questions or would like to book one, get in touch with us.

1) Weekly News: The Collective

The weekly Codrops Collective features the latest news and resources from the web design & development community. It has become a very popular reading list for many. It gets sent out as newsletter and published on our site. Previous advertisers include Squarespace, Hired, FullStory, ClubHouse and many more.

Main Newsletter Sponsorship

The main newsletter sponsorship is placed right after the intro (Mondays) or websites inspiration (Thursdays). There is only one main sponsorship available per edition.

Assets for the main newsletter sponsorship:

  • Image (800px width and maximal 600px height)
  • Title (max. 60 characters)
  • Description (max 260 characters)
  • CTA (max. 3 words)
  • Campaign link

Classified Ad

The classified ad is placed among our collected links and there are two available spots. You can book a classified ad directly on our booker platform.

2) Monthly Sponsor

The monthly sponsorship is a package that includes a sidebar ad, an article text link and a banner ad below the articles. Additionally, we offer a short text link placement in every of our +500 demos.

We also include the option to tweet and publish a Facebook post.

Sidebar banner
Article text link
Demo text ad placement (also contains an image for older demos)

All monthly sponsors are rotated evenly and appear in random order in the sidebar.


  1. Sidebar: 300 × 250 pixel image, link, text (max. 130 characters)
  2. Article: link and text (max. 100 characters)
  3. Bottom Banner Ad: same assets as sidebar
  4. Tweet: text (max. 239 chars), link, image (optional, 1024 × 512 pixel)
  5. Facebook post: text (max. 230 chars including link), link, image (800 × 600 pixel)
  6. Demo: text (max. 100 characters), link, image (260 × 200 pixel)

If you would like to share relevant content with our readers beyond a tagline, the sponsored post is the right choice for you. A sponsored article gets published just like any other post on Codrops (labeled as “sponsored”) and stays on the site forever.

It will be shared on Twitter by @codrops (> 180,000 followers) and on our Facebook page (> 86,000 followers). The article is also received in full by RSS feed subscribers (> 85,000).

You can see an example article here.


  • Article title (up to 20 words)
  • Article content (up to 5,000 words) in HTML format
  • Featured image (800x600px), optional
  • Short one sentence description of the article (goes beneath the title)