How to list files in a directory with PHP

Here’s a simple way to execute the windows dir or the linux ls in PHP Windows: <?php $row = exec(‘dir’,$output,$error); while(list(,$row) = each($output)){ echo $row, “<BR>n”; } if($error){ echo “Error […]

Here’s a simple way to execute the windows dir or the linux ls in PHP


$row = exec('dir',$output,$error);
while(list(,$row) = each($output)){
echo $row, "<BR>n";
echo "Error : $error<BR>n";


$row = exec('ls -ls',$output,$error);
while(list(,$row) = each($output)){
echo $row, "<BR>n";
echo "Error : $error<BR>n";


Cody loves jQuery - he puts the magic into every web application. He is crazy about Curry dishes.

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  1. Pingback: PHP: How to list files of a directory

  2. Alem de executar em diretórios ele também server para executar comandos CMD, valeu pelo código obrigado!