20 fresh and colorful CSS3 buttons
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
Here is the result of an experiment with fonts and css3 properties like text-shadow and box-shadow: Click here to download the ZIP file with the two overlay images: CSS3 Buttons […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
Here is the result of an experiment with fonts and css3 properties like text-shadow and box-shadow: Click here to download the ZIP file with the two overlay images: CSS3 Buttons […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
Experimenting with CSS3, I created a big style registration form with rounded borders and shadow effects. The only image used is not the button, but the pen that serves as […]
In Playground, by cody
Here’s a simple way to execute the windows dir or the linux ls in PHP Windows: <?php $row = exec(‘dir’,$output,$error); while(list(,$row) = each($output)){ echo $row, “<BR>n”; } if($error){ echo “Error […]
In Playground, by cody
Here’s a simple function that calculates the number of days between two dates. <?php //day’s seconds = 86400 function days_between($day_i,$month_i,$year_i,$day_f,$month_f,$year_f){ $days_in_between = (mktime(0,0,0,$month_f,$day_f,$year_f) – mktime(0,0,0,$month_i,$day_i,$year_i))/86400; return $days_in_between; } ?> //If […]
In Playground, by chadking
The following is an example of using the transactional support in MySQL. Let’s assume we have two tables, USERTBL and EMAILTBL. Let’s consider the innodb engine, since it’s the most […]