The Playground features web experiments, concepts, and layouts that push the boundaries of traditional design and showcase the latest in animation techniques.
Here is a list of some highly valueable and functioning iPhone programming tutorials (list is open): iPhone View Switching Tutorial iPhone Coding – Learning About UIWebViews by Creating a Web […]
Here’s a simple way to execute the windows dir or the linux ls in PHP Windows: <?php $row = exec(‘dir’,$output,$error); while(list(,$row) = each($output)){ echo $row, “<BR>n”; } if($error){ echo “Error […]
Here’s a simple function that calculates the number of days between two dates. <?php //day’s seconds = 86400 function days_between($day_i,$month_i,$year_i,$day_f,$month_f,$year_f){ $days_in_between = (mktime(0,0,0,$month_f,$day_f,$year_f) – mktime(0,0,0,$month_i,$day_i,$year_i))/86400; return $days_in_between; } ?> //If […]
The following is an example of using the transactional support in MySQL. Let’s assume we have two tables, USERTBL and EMAILTBL. Let’s consider the innodb engine, since it’s the most […]
Heres a list of actions you should do in order to get PHP + MySQL working with UTF-8: 1. Database: CREATE DATABASE db_name CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 […]
Here is a simple PHP function that returns the exact age of a person given his/her birthdate: function age($month, $day, $year){ $y = gmstrftime(“%Y”); $m = gmstrftime(“%m”); $d = gmstrftime(“%d”); […]