
The Playground features web experiments, concepts, and layouts that push the boundaries of traditional design and showcase the latest in animation techniques.

CSS Mania jQuery Plugin


Here is a jQuery plugin that makes use of the CSS Mania API. CSS Mania is a well known website showcase site where designs can be submitted and rated. A […]

A jQuery Heat Map


Here is a very simple way ho to create a heat map with jQuery. The idea is to track the clicks of a user and then display the click pattern […]

Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets – Part 4


How to get client ip address with jQuery $.getJSON(“”,function(data){ alert( “Your ip: ” + data.ip); }); How to parse XML with jQuery file.xml: <?xml version=”1.0″ ?> <result> <item> <id>1</id> <title>title1</title> […]

Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets – Part 3


How to hide all children div except a specific one with jQuery? $(‘#target div:not(#exclude)’).hide(); //or $(‘#target’).children().filter(‘:not(#exclude)’).hide(); Detecting when a div’s height changes using jQuery $(‘element’).bind(‘resize’, function(){ alert( ‘Height changed to’ […]