Inspiration for Line Menu Styles
In Playground,
Some ideas for menu styles and effects that employ the line as a creative design element. This is an open collection; contributions are welcome!
In Playground,
Some ideas for menu styles and effects that employ the line as a creative design element. This is an open collection; contributions are welcome!
In Articles,
A look back at 2015 with a summary of all Codrops resources. Thank you all for supporting us!
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to create a Shazam-like button that morphs into a music player using Snap.svg.
In Playground,
A couple of styles and inspiration for responsive, flexbox-based HTML pricing tables.
In Blueprints,
A simple multi-level menu with delayed item animations and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button.
In Playground,
An experimental interactive room slideshow based on the prototype concept by Bilal Mechairia’s Dribbble shot “Spaces”.
In Playground,
Some effect inspiration for card stacks. The idea is to show animation ideas for positive (accept) or negative (reject) feedback on a generic card element.
In Playground,
A mobile “pull to share” interaction that allows to share a page by using the familiar “pull to refresh” movement. Based on the action for refreshing and opening/closing a tab in Google Chrome for mobile.
In Blueprints,
A template for a simple page stack navigation based on the Dribbble shot by Ilya Kostin, Stacked navigation.
In Playground,
Some inspiration for effects on image grids. The ideas include animations on the opening grid item, the disappearance of the grid and the resulting view.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to create a video opening animation inspired by the effect seen on
In Playground,
A little playful interaction idea where we add some bounciness to a draggable element and animate it depending on its position.
In Blueprints,
A simple content slider with depth-like zoom functionality for a predefined area in each slide.
In Blueprints,
A responsive product grid layout with touch-friendly Flickity galleries and Isotope-powered filter functionality.
In Playground,
A little slideshow with a color palette creation effect using CSS Filters and Vibrant.js.
In Playground,
A subtle tilt effect for images. The idea is to move and rotate semi-transparent copies with the same background image in order to create a subtle motion or depth effect.
In Blueprints,
A basic responsive product grid layout with comparison functionality and a slide-in effect.
In Playground,
A couple of creative text styles and hover effects for your inspiration. Some effects use experimental techniques including SVG masking and Canvas.