Having some fresh and maybe even unexpected effects on a website, can juice up the experience for the user. Be it a whole new and experimental way of navigating through the website or just a tiny surprising hover effect – fresh effects can spice up your design and bring some life to it.
Today we will show you some examples of websites that are using beautiful and inspiring color combinations that match perfectly and create an eye candy result. From delicate and smooth colors to strong duos and super colorful pages, we have several styles to show you.
There are many creative ways of showing what a website is about: the use of images, videos, descriptions and more. Symbolic graphics and metaphorical pictures are a very interesting approach to convey a message and used in a website, they can help engage with the user and make him understand the meaning and purpose of a product or service almost instantly.
Centering elements in a web design is a very effective way of creating visual balance. Centered designs can also make responsiveness easier, a property that is becoming more and more desirable with the growth of the ‘mobile web’. Inspired by these two ideas I want to share a couple of centered designs with you. The collections consist of web designs that mainly have centered elements like headlines, images or content areas.
Typography is a very important part of design and choosing the right type for your design can be very challenging. From print to web layouts, typography is the center piece of a good design and today we gathered a few examples of beautiful typeface combinations in web design to inspire you. In web design, typography can be used in different forms, big bold headers, simple and clean menus, explanatory text and so on. Finding a good combination of typeface is more than only good taste, it’s an art.
Today we decided to gather a few examples of minimal sites using texture to add detail to their layout. From really subtle and delicate examples to complete textured backgrounds, you will be able to find a lot of inspiration to include texture on your next project, enjoy.
Last week Patrick wrote a nice article about Developing Emphasis in Web Design, and today, based on that article, we decided to show you some examples of emphasis in web design. As explained in last week’s article, we will split the examples in three different perspectives: Proportion, Contrast and Physical Relationship
Making a web design with contrasty colors will allow for a better focus on certain areas of a web site. With a minimal color scheme, more contrast can be achieved and with the right complementary color, a unique and impactful visual impression is given.
Choosing the best way to display products is a really important step of web design, since the way you display your products can drive attention to it and make users interested in what you are selling, or can drive users away. It’s like when you are walking in a mall, the most creative, elegant or stylish window displays will get your attention while super colorful and busy ones will drive you away.
Wikipedia tells us that “thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.” And as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words, so using an image in a nice and beautiful form can give your layout a very neat look.
Following the recent trend of using big background images in web design, we decided to gather a list of websites using portraits in their layouts. So at this showcase we will show you how several designers are using portraits at their designs to make things more personal and to give a nice unique touch to their sites.
The use of the parallax effect or parallax scrolling effect in websites can add a nice three dimensional depth illusion to the design and make the visit very interesting to […]
Designing the perfect navigation for a website it’s one of the main keys to have a good outcome, to have a website that gets users attentions and make them want to browse around to check every little information (tab, image, text, etc) you have there. Navigation menus, schemes, layouts, everything has an important weight and need to be carefully analyzed to form a nice layout.
Image sliders and sideshows have become an essential element in web design. They are a great way to display information and visual content in an interesting way. From the classical […]
Of course we all love the basics when it comes to web design, we like columns, grids, organized and well disposed content… but that doesn’t mean we don’t like creative and interesting structures in web design. Here we will show some examples of websites chosen a little bit different approach to design their pages and had a nice result.
An interesting way to spice up a web design is to add some depth to it. Instead of making a design flat, certain elements and techniques can stimulate the depth […]
When designing a website we have a lot of elements to worry about: menus, navigations buttons, forms, header, footer and many other important details that make our design special. Today we decided to list some good examples of circular elements in web design. We will show you beautiful circular buttons, menus, images and other details.
When designing a website you can use several effects to drive attention to an element, emphasize something or simply to give your page an unique and personal touch. From underlines […]