Card Expansion Effect with SVG clipPath
In Playground, by Claudio Calautti
A morphing card expansion effect enhanced by a low poly background animation, using SVG clipPath and Trianglify.
In Playground, by Claudio Calautti
A morphing card expansion effect enhanced by a low poly background animation, using SVG clipPath and Trianglify.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive product grid layout with touch-friendly Flickity galleries and Isotope-powered filter functionality.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A basic responsive product grid layout with comparison functionality and a slide-in effect.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive, magazine-like website layout with a grid item animation effect that happens when opening the content.
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
A tutorial on how to create a simple layout with a fullscreen header that slides up to reveal a content area with an image grid.
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
A tutorial on how to achieve the grid loading effect seen on the “Design Samsung” site. The effect will show a colored element sliding in first and then sliding out again, revealing the image.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
A proof-of-concept effect recreation of the animation seen in a prototype app by Marcus Eckert. The idea is to flip a grid item in 3D, expand it to fullscreen and reveal some associated content. We’ve created two demos with a vertical and a horizontal rotation.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive Masonry grid with a gallery view using 3D Transforms. Based on the gallery seen on the Chromebook Getting Started guide by Google.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
There are many parts of a website where we can apply nice transitions to make things more interesting. Images are certainly great entities for playing with fancy effects and today we’d like to show you some inspiration for thumbnail effects using CSS animations.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
Some inspiration for loading effects of grid items using CSS animations.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive grid of anchors with icons, text and some example hover transitions.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A simple view mode switch that has two example layouts, a grid and a list.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
A dynamic grid layout that let’s you choose how many rows and columns of items are shown. Partly based on the visualization of Google Trends, except that you can add transitions.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive product grid layout with some UI details for inspiration.
In Blueprints, by Manoela Ilic
A responsive grid layout for multiple items in a row that fill all the available width.
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
A tutorial about creating a simple grid overlay with subtle transitions for an app showcase.
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
A tutorial on how to create a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.
In Tutorials, by Larry Botha
Learn how to create flexible and fluid grids which make nesting at arbitrary depths easy, while allowing full freedom for how the grid behaves in all viewports.