MyThemeShop Membership & MacBook Air Giveaway

Win an 11-inch MacBook Air, Premium WordPress Theme memberships and more great prices in this giveaway by MyThemeShop.

We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!

About MyThemeShop

When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.

Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.

The Prizes

Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:

  1. 11-inch MacBook Air worth $899

    • 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
    • Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
    • Intel HD Graphics 6000
    • 4GB memory
    • 128GB PCIe-based flash storage

    Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.

  2. 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
  3. 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
  4. 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
  5. 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total

How To Enter

To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:

  1. Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
  2. Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:

Good luck to everyone!

This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.

The Winners

We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:

Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!

Thank you all for participating!

The MacBook Air Winner

Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:


We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂

Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.


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  1. I’d like to win the Macbook Air because I’m a developer and I want to develop for Apple devices.

  2. I would love to win the MacBook Air because it would help me greatly with my art business. I could do all of my books, marketing, and pattern designing with it. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

  3. I am a student designer that is about to graduate and would love to upgrade to a mac! It would be the coolest thing EVER!!

  4. I’d like to win the Macbook Air because i’m a UX/ UI Designer and Hybrid mobile app developer, so macbook will help me for great design and i can’t deploy a IOS hybrid app without any MacOS Device. i think mac air great opportunity for me. thank you.

  5. I would love the mac airbook to allow me to test out my developed websites on OS X as well as start developing iOS applications in its intended environment. Additionally, the membership will be very valuable to help give me access to new and exciting themes to help develop for my future clients.

  6. I am just getting started out and there is no way I could get all this for myself so winning this would be awesome. I enjoy the site and have learned much. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for all the awesome tutorials and references.

  7. I should win the MacBook Air and membership of My Theme Shop, because I am UX Designer, Front-End Developer, PHP Developer, System Architect, iOS Developer and a dedicated reader of Codrops. I can deliver the comprehensive solutions from functionality to user experience. With My Theme Shop, I can stay focus on developing great iOS apps and Web apps, take advantage of beautiful WordPress themes provided by My Theme Shop to promote the apps.

  8. I would love the macbook, as a developer having a mac for rails development would make life so much easier.

  9. I would love to win this package. My macbook is currently on it’s last breath and I just recently got engaged, so there is no budget room for a new computer for Joshua (me). As a web developer I work with wordpress regularly and would take full advantage of the awesome plugins that MyThemeShop has to offer. Below I have broken down what winning this prize would mean to me.

    function winningThePrize() {
    var josh = $(‘#me’);
    var joyInLife = false;
    if(josh.prop(‘free-macbook-air’) && josh.prop(‘MyThemeShop-membership’)) {
    joyInLife = true;

    Thanks and have a happy new year!

  10. I would love to win the MacBook. I have three young children and having a robust laptop would help me to keep freelancing as a web designer/developer. Having a mobile device would allow me the freedom not available with my desktop.

  11. I should win the MacBook Air because I’d love to pass it down to someone participating in our CSSclasses workshop!

  12. I’d like a MacBook Air because as many other participants, I don’t want a WordPress premium plugin)) However, if frankly, then because I have never had an Apple laptop and it’s next on my buy list.

  13. I am a front-end developer specialized in WordPress and I need the macbook to develop apps and websites using WordPress.

  14. I’m a freelancer UX designer and need an Mac for working with sketch! Haven’t had a Mac for so long!

  15. I am 13 years old and will be going to college for Computer Science at 15. Right now I’m using an ancient PC that is well past its hayday.

    Using a UNIX based operating system would really open doors for me!

    I’ve tweeted this contest on Twitter @chocolatepi_

  16. I would like to win the Macbook Air on behalf of my brother, who is currently a teacher in Japan for very little salary and has no working computer of his own. He has a great passion for creative projects, including writing, web media, and educational tools. It would make him so happy to be able to express his creative passions on a reliable machine.

    Thank you for reading. 🙂

  17. I’m a web developer who works in different places for various given situations. Being portable is the key asset of my work life. I believe the Macbook Air will give me a giant leap forward. I do both front-end and back-end development, therefore MyThemeShop membership would be a great benefit for the quality of my work. This is a perfect opportunity to catch two birds with one stone for me and every developer out there. Thank you Codrops and MyThemeShop for this amazing giveaway.

  18. I’d like to win MacBook Air, because I’m a Java deloper and my dream is to buy MacBook Air but i am poor and that is the reason i want to win this……………………Thank U

  19. I’m Erwin Prasetyo from Indonesia , I should win the Macbook Air (is awesome) because I’m web designer, WordPress developer and I have bought some themes from Mythemeshop (my username : erwinprasetyo ) , my favorite website, they sell awesome themes. Thanks i really appreciate this giveaway it would be great if i won some item from MythemeShop

  20. I should win a MacBook Air because we all need fruits to stay strong, and only an Apple can give me the necessary strength to develop the best themes ever. May the Apple be with us!

  21. It would be wonderful to win this MacBook Air. My computer is older and I’m involved in Dog rescue – I love recording the dogs playing, but my computer can’t always handle the video. It would help me show them in a different light and hopefully help more of them get adopted.

  22. I should win this Macbook Air because I live in Haiti and as a web developer and programmer, living in Haiti is comparable to hell (just kidding… but seriously, just a little bit). In Haiti, parents don’t fully believe in technology, so they don’t really support their children unless they see what their children can do with a computer.
    But to show to my parents that I can do something useful to this world, I need a good computer for that, the one I’m using right now is too old for what I want to do. But they don’t understand this.
    I’m 20 and I’ve been programming since the age of 13 with my mother’s computer. I never really had a “good” computer of my own.
    I’m not just a web developer, I’m interested in other fields, like 3D game development and graphic designing.. but my current computer has only 2GB of RAM, so you can guess how hard these fields can be for me.
    I’m not sure why I’m doing this.. I guess it’s hope. Thanks for your time.

  23. I’d like to win Macbook Air, because I am a front end developer and also want to learn iOS and Sketch to design and develop awesome apps. I’ve been using “mythemeshop” for quite a time now, they offer variety of awesome stuff which is helpful for even starters learning wordpress theme development. I am working on windows pc from a long time, also in my country Macbook is very costly so can’t afford one and if there is a MacBook, it will help me a lot. Also, I am suffering from a muscular distrophy due to which can’t work on pc sitting on a chair for a long time and which affects my work but if there is a Macbook then I can work in it sitting on a couch or bed. Macbook has very good performance features, app store, awesome design which inspire me. I am seriously in a need of this. 🙂

  24. Hello there, I’m Shubham I have read all the comments down here and most of them said that they need a mac to learn swift but you can install the OS X on the windows pc as well( watch how : So the problem is solved now as you all wanted to learn swift and develop apps for mac and the video shows how to install os x on windows.
    So as all these guys don’t require Mac now I the bravehearted will take the responsibility of the MacBook Air.

  25. Why win MB Air?

    So that I can give it away to someone else.

    Why membership?

    Apparently, for all the reasons MyThemeShop wants people to buy the membership.

  26. I want Macbook air because it can help me make more useful product in WordPress field. Such as high quality Theme&plugin, app for WordPress community. Thank for this giveaway!

  27. I want the Macbook, because I am a web developer and a startup, and it will give a great boost to my career, and having Premium WordPress Themes would be icing on the cake.
    I really appreciate this giveaway and hope to win it.

  28. If i get it, the next year will be more productive and help me to achieve my career goals faster. I didn’t use any Apple product till now so if it happens 2016 will be best year for me. mythemeshop membership will double my strength on wordpress field.

  29. I want Macbook air because it can help me learning WordPress field, as am already UI designer but i should learn more about WordPress.

  30. I really need this MacBook Air, because my old MacBook Pro recently died, and for now I am forced to design websites on an old Windows computer.

    – Furthermore, it would be more than great, to be able to use MyThemeShop as my main provider for precoded themes.

  31. This is exciting! I’ve mainly used Macs at work to do design and development, but since I’ve started doing freelancing, it’s become more and more apparent that I will have switch over. A lot of the new design software is Mac-only as well, even if there are alternatives that work on Windows. The WordPress tutorials on MyThemeShop look great.

  32. I wanna win the MacBook Air because it will be very useful for me. I am a remote web developer and I travel a lot and I think that this is the perfect device for developing “on the air”. The battery is awesome and the operating system is pure gold.

  33. I’m UI/UX Designer from Indonesia, if i’m win this macbook air it’s will be very amazing moment. Because some of my friend tell me if i use macbook to make a mockup design for website it’s will be easy and fast for responsive design using sketch 3 app. Till now i never try using macbook on my design work because some reason with money and the project not always come up. Btw if you want to see my project you can see on my behance account in this link : . Thanks to tympanus team and MyThemeShop for giving me a chance to won macbook air, you guys are rock!

  34. I should win ’cause I could separate a room just for my MacBook Air and charge some coins from friends who wants to see and touch my little Apple…
    It will be really great to get some extra coins to purchase a powerful coffee (not java-based) and keep my themes and templates updated :D.

  35. I want to win a MacBook Air, because it will help me to create a new dribbble, if I win we first send you an invitation.

    Anyway OS X and Macbook Air this is the best instrument for designers and developers, as well as for the good people who have a goal, I have it and I’ll do it.

    Thanks Codrops.

  36. I will not use Macbook for paint or responsive web testing.
    I shall treat the Macbook Air with respect, add a sticker of codrops instead of the apple logo and start my carrier as a web developer 🙂
    Every project needs a Mac, every web-enthusiast respects Codrops and we will all loved to have subscription in a Theme that stands out.
    I hope I get it.
    Thank you.

  37. i would love to win the air for my wife and i would give away the other prizes (wp themes and plugins) to people who need more than me

  38. My older brother is taking a course for app development for $10,000… I want to support him by buying him a MacBook Pro, but, I’d love to have a MacBook for myself as well since I am entering University for the first time.

    It seems two legs, two arms, and a decent degree won’t do as much as you thought it would do.

    In times of doubt and trouble, double down on yourself!

  39. Hi, Im mr Tandjigora I live in Mali south Africa. I have a startup, a webagency Im trying to help my country being visible on internet.
    I would like to win this give away cause it would help me in my work.
    I would be very glad and thankfull if had the opportunity to have good material to work with, I can maybe be at the same level of european developpers.

    Best regards

  40. I want Macbook Air for develop my new projects in 2016. And maybe make more useful product in WordPress field.
    Thank you

  41. I would like to win the Macbook as I am an aspiring web developer who is in desperate need of an updated machine, the bonus of access to these great themes is amazing! I can already see heaps of potential uses for them!

  42. Hey,
    i would love to win the macbook air
    I want to give the macbook to my brother, for his birthday.
    He would love to have a new notebook for university.

    PM: I’m from Germany. I hope the transport to germany is not a problem

    Thanks Tympanus 🙂

  43. I need MyThemeShop membership for my new project: a webshop about “El camino de Santiago” (Way of St. James). I’m in love with MyThemeShop beautiful themes as well I love the Macbook Air.

    Happy 2016!!!

  44. I am in love with MacBook since from many years unfortunately unable to buy anyone, but I am very much sure that the day one when I will have MacBook I will utilise it to the most of it. I will make the best User Interface for Human, coz then I am a part of an amazing piece of technology artistically designed and crafted by team Apple. I have a dream to let the users have the best User Experience. And using MacBook Air I will be empowered to achieve it better.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!

    Thanks Team Codrops & MyThemeShop for this amazing opportunity.

    PS : I hope I convinced you, waiting for a positive reply and expecting you will make my year 2016 a great.

    Rahul Bohra.

  45. i want the macbook air because i’m doing my A LEVEL which needs a lot of research and projects. So, a good computer would help me alot to achieve better grades so that i can go to a better university. i have an old desktop which i have to share with my brother. So, this would help big time 🙂