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Update: There’s a new version of this Login Script.
Here’s a PHP Login System, based on the one developed by jpmaster77: PHP Login System with Admin Features
Focusing only on the core functionalities and aimed to improve certain parts of the code, I took out some functionalities and added some others:
- Admin features
- Active guests, active users, banned users
- Global variables
- Links to other pages after the login
All these can be easily reintegrated if you want. I focused on the login and registration part, leaving out the content “inside”.
- PHP 5 instead of PHP 4
- mysqli extension
- Send registration confirmation link to the email address
- Reset password feature without sending password to the email. Instead a link is sent to reset the password
- UTF8 support
- InnoDB transactions for database operations
- Registration and form validations made with AJAX
- jQuery
- Captcha image in registration form to avoid spam
Here are the most important settings for the installation of the login system.
Set database access in constants.php:
define("DB_SERVER", "localhost"); //type mysql server url define("DB_USER", "XXXXXXX"); //type mysql user define("DB_PASS", "XXXXXXX"); //type mysql password define("DB_NAME", "XXXXXXX"); //type mysql database name
Further, you have to set the right location of the following files for the mail sending functions:
The only table that you have to create in your MySQL database is the following:
CREATE TABLE users( pk_user int unsigned not null auto_increment, email varchar(120) not null, flname varchar(100) not null, password varchar(64) not null, usr_signup_date timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, usr_userid varchar(32), # for the account confirmation: usr_confirm_hash varchar(255) not null, # after confirming its set to 1: usr_is_confirmed tinyint(1) not null default 0, # when the user resets password (forgot password): usr_resetpassword_hash varchar(255) not null, unique index(email), primary key(pk_user) )type=innodb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
I will soon post a new version, as I am currently improving some points.
See a demo here: PHP Login System Demo
You can download the source code here: PHP Login System ZIP
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I tried using the demo and it appears that the captcha image is broken.
Hey Chad,
thanks for the great login system. I installed everything correctly (I’m pretty sure) and I get “an error ocurred bla bla we should put a message for this”. This occurred right after I pressed ‘Register”. I checked the code and found the error trap in ‘register.php’, but in looking at the ‘else if’ statement, can’t make sense of the ‘data.result == “-2”. Any help please? Thanks again
Everybody must know that the submit button can not work on testing server that is not connected to the internet. And if a user is manually entered into the table the sha1 in the core.php where the _login() function is called should be removed if not you will be having “invalid password” message.
Hello! Tell how to change please the coding of outgoing letters with utf-8 on windows-1251?