URL Image Getter/Uploader/Resizer
In Playground, by chadking
I was wondering how to get images from a site the same way like Digg or Facebook do, where it is only necessary to provide a link, and images get […]
In Playground, by chadking
I was wondering how to get images from a site the same way like Digg or Facebook do, where it is only necessary to provide a link, and images get […]
In Playground, by chadking
Here’s an updated version of the Image Cropper. The upload button was replaced by an overlay on the image. There are also some extra functionalities :
In Playground, by chadking
Please check the updated version here! Some time ago I posted the Dynamic jQuery Image Gallery with Uploader which uses the class.upload, uploadify and ad-gallery scripts. This time I want […]
In Playground, by chadking
Here’s a jQuery Image Gallery script with a multi file Uploader, that was implemented using three resources that I found on the web: uploadify ad-gallery class.upload.php click on the image […]