
With Rocking Letters into the New Year

In Playground, by Team Codrops

2011 has been an exciting year for Codrops and we want to thank you for supporting us! We’ve learned a lot and it’s a privilege to us to be able to share our tutorials, experiments and thoughts with you. We hope that you have enjoyed our content and that it was inspiring and useful to you!

6 Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Choosing Fonts

In Articles, by Patrick Cox

If you’re like me, selecting fonts for your web design is going to be either easy or the most difficult task you’ll face. Fonts are a huge, powerful part of any design and they should be taken seriously so that your design can communicate its meaning and purpose correctly. Great font selections can make a web site, they can enhance your design and effectively communicate the message and goals of the web site to the user. Bad font choices can drastically alter your design and affect how your site is perceived by users.