
Sliding Image Panels with CSS3

In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic

Today we’ll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The idea is to use background images for the panels and animate them when clicking on a label. We’ll use radio buttons with labels and target the respective panels with the general sibling selector.

Circle Navigation Effect with CSS3

In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic

Today we want to show you how to create a beautiful hover effect for an image navigation using CSS3. The idea is to expand a circular navigation with an arrow and make a bubble with a thumbnail appear. In our example we will be showing the thumbnail of the next and previous slider image on hovering the arrows. The effect is done with CSS3 transitions.

Draggable Image Boxes Grid

In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic

Today we want to create a template with a fullscreen grid of images and content areas. The idea is to have a draggable grid that shows boxes of thumbnails and menu like items. Once clicked, the thumbnail will expand to the full size image and the menu item box will expand to a fullscreen content area.

B&W Box Gallery

In Playground, by Manoela Ilic

In today’s experiment, we created a little gallery that plays with the black and white versions of images. The idea is to have an initial grid-like view of the different […]