Slider Gallery with jQuery

This tutorial is about creating a creative gallery with a slider for the thumbnails. The idea is to have an expanding thumbnails area which opens once an album is chosen. […]

This tutorial is about creating a creative gallery with a slider for the thumbnails. The idea is to have an expanding thumbnails area which opens once an album is chosen. The thumbnails will scroll to the end and move back to the first image. The user can scroll through the thumbnails by using the slider controls. When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center and the full image preview opens. Navigating though the images will make them slide in and out from the sides, moving the underlying thumbnails container. When the preview is closed, the full image will fade back to the thumbnail.

For this gallery we will be using the jQuery UI library and the jQuery Easing Plugin.

The beautiful photos are by beyrouth and his Flickr photostream can be found here.

So, let’s get started!

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The Markup

We will have one main container, where we will put all our elements:

<div id="fp_gallery" class="fp_gallery">

Inside of this main container, we will first add a background image and a div that will contain a background pattern:

<img src="images/bgimg.jpg" class="fp_bgImage" />
<div class="fp_bgPattern"></div>

The idea is to use a very small (375px times 500px) and stretch it over the screen and set the opacity very low to make it look blurry. Then we will add a pattern on top, as well with a low opacity, so that the images shines through. You can try and add other patterns, it creates a very unique effect.

Now we will add the headings and the menu with the album names:

<h1>Fashion Photography</h1>
<h2>by parisbeyrouth</h2>

<ul id="fp_galleryList" class="fp_galleryList">
	<li>New York</li>
	<li>Los Angeles</li>

Then we will add the thumbnail container which will be hidden initially. Inside of the container we will have a wrapper with the single album containers inside. We have four albums, so we add four containers:

<div id="fp_thumbContainer">
	<div id="fp_thumbScroller">
		<div class="container">
			<div class="content">
					<a href="#">
						<img src="images/album1/thumbs/1.jpg" alt="images/album1/1.jpg" class="thumb" />
			<div class="content">
					<a href="#">
						<img src="images/album1/thumbs/2.jpg" alt="images/album1/2.jpg" class="thumb" />
		<div class="container">
		<div class="container">
		<div class="container">

The images will carry the path to the full image in their alt attribute.

The slider will have the following structure:

<div id="fp_scrollWrapper" class="fp_scrollWrapper">
	<span id="fp_prev_thumb" class="fp_prev_thumb"></span>
	<div id="slider" class="slider"></div>
	<span id="fp_next_thumb" class="fp_next_thumb"></span>

And finally, we will add all the elements relevant to the full image preview:

<div id="fp_overlay" class="fp_overlay"></div>
<div id="fp_loading" class="fp_loading"></div>
<div id="fp_next" class="fp_next"></div>
<div id="fp_prev" class="fp_prev"></div>
<div id="fp_close" class="fp_close">Close preview</div>

Let’s take a look at the style.


First, we are going to reset the style and add some general body styling properties:

body {
	font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

For the pattern and the image in the background we will set the following styles:

	background:transparent url(../images/greyscale_natural_grunge3.jpg) repeat bottom left;

Both of the elements will have a fixed position and a very low opacity, in order to get the effect I was talking about before.

Now, we will style the headings:

	margin:40px 0px 10px 0px;

We generally don’t want that any a element has an outline when we click on it:


But be careful with this property though. If you want tabbing through links to be possible then you should never define the outline as none.

The gallery album list will be styled as follows:

ul.fp_galleryList li{
	margin:0px 30px;
	text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #fff;
ul.fp_galleryList li.current{
ul.fp_galleryList li.current:hover{
ul.fp_galleryList li:hover{
	border-bottom:1px solid #fff;

A white even text shadow around white text will make the font look very smooth in Google Chrome.

The thumb container will not be visible initially since we set it’s height to 0 pixel. In the JavaScript we will “open” it by animating its height to 240 pixels. Note that this is the main wrapper for the thumbnails container. We set the width to 100% of the screen while we don’t allow any overflow. Just the elements inside will have a width that will allow scrolling:

	margin:50px 0 30px 0;
	height:0px; /*240px to show*/
	-moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000 inset;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000 inset;
	box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000 inset;

The thumbScroller is going to be the wrapper that will be scrolled:


The container element represents an album and we will define the width of this container based on the content inside. That will be done dynamically in the JavaScript:

#fp_thumbScroller .container{
#fp_thumbScroller .content{
#fp_thumbScroller .content div{
	margin:0px 5px;

To the image we will add some white rounded border and a box shadow:

#fp_thumbScroller img{
	border:3px solid #fff;
	-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
#fp_thumbScroller a{

Before we look into the style of the slider, we will define the looks of the full preview elements. The black overlay will have the following style:


The loading div will be centered relatively to the whole page, so we do the 50%/negative margin trick:

	margin:-35px 0px 0px -35px;
	background:#fff url(../images/loader.gif) no-repeat center center;
	-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;

The navigation elements and the close element will have the following common style:

	-moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #000;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #000;
	box-shadow:0px 0px 3px #000;

And they will have the following individual style:

	background:#fff url(../images/next.png) no-repeat center center;
	right:-50px; /*10 to show*/
	background:#fff url(../images/prev.png) no-repeat center center;
	left:-50px; /*10 to show*/
	background:#fff url(../images/close.png) no-repeat 10px 50%;

Now we will define the scrollWrapper that contains the slider and the slider navigation:

	padding:10px 45px;
	margin:30px auto;

We also need to redefine some css properties of the jQuery UI elments that get defined in the stylesheets that come with the library. So make sure you include this CSS after the inclusion of the jQuery UI styles.

The following is the slider bar:


And this is the little handle:

.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-handle{
	background: #9b9b9b;

This class also gets applied to the handle element, and we don’t want any background image for that:

.ui-state-default {

The navigation elements for the slider are styled as follows:

	background:transparent url(../images/nav.png) no-repeat top left;
	background-position:left top;
	background-position:right top;
	background-position:left bottom;
	background-position:right bottom;

We will use one background image that contains the two navigation arrows with an active and inactive state.

And finally, we will style the large preview image. The positioning of the image will be set in the JavaScript:

	border:3px solid #fff;
	-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;
	box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #000;

And that’s all the style! Now, lets create some awesome effects!

The JavaScript

For the effects we will be using some easing so don’t forget to include the jQuery easing plugin.
In our jQuery function we will start by defining some variables:

//the main wrapper of the gallery
var $fp_gallery			= $('#fp_gallery')
//the overlay when the large image is displayed
var $fp_overlay			= $('#fp_overlay');
//image loading status
var $fp_loading			= $('#fp_loading');
//the next and previous buttons
var $fp_next			= $('#fp_next');
var $fp_prev			= $('#fp_prev');
//the close button
var $fp_close			= $('#fp_close');
//the main container for the thumbs structure
var $fp_thumbContainer 	= $('#fp_thumbContainer');
//wrapper of jquery ui slider
var $fp_scrollWrapper	= $('#fp_scrollWrapper');
//wrapper of each content div, where each image is
var $fp_content_wrapper;
//total number of images
var nmb_images=0;
//which gallery is clicked (index)
var gallery_idx=-1;
//scroller wrapper
var $fp_thumbScroller	= $('#fp_thumbScroller');
//jquery ui slider
var $slider				= $('#slider');
//the links of the galleries (the cities)
var $fp_galleries		= $('#fp_galleryList > li');
//current image being viewed
var current				= 0;
//some control flags:
//prevent fast clicks on next and previous
var photo_nav			= true;

We bind a click event to the galleries / album items. This item index is stored to keep track of which gallery is currently opened. If one gallery was opened already, we close it (by sliding it in) before opening this gallery.

//User clicks on an album / gallery;
	var $gallery 		= $(this);
	var gallery_index 	= $gallery.index();
	if(gallery_idx == gallery_index) return;
	gallery_idx			= gallery_index;
	//close the gallery and slider if opened

This function opens a gallery. We need to calculate the total width of the content wrapper by summing the widths of each image area. We also need to calculate the padding, both left and right, since we want to center the first and last image on the screen, when we scroll all left and right.
The jQuery UI slider is initialized, and is set to slide as much as we can scroll the wrapper.
To make all the images slide in initially, we scroll the wrapper to the right before the gallery is opened, and after opening it, we animate the scrollLeft to 0px.
We also bind a click event to each one of the images elements, which will center the clicked image, and display it in full size.

//opens a gallery after clicking on an album / gallery
function openGallery($gallery){
	//current gets reset
	current				= 0;				  
	//wrapper of each content div, where each image is
	$fp_content_wrapper = $fp_thumbContainer.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')');
	//hide all the other gallerie's thumbs wrappers
	//and show this one
	//total number of images
	nmb_images			= $fp_content_wrapper.children('div').length;
	//calculate width,
	//padding left 
	//and padding right for content wrapper
	var w_width 	= 0;
	var padding_l	= 0;
	var padding_r	= 0;
	//center of screen
	var center		= $(window).width()/2;
	var one_divs_w  = 0;
	the padding left is the center minus half of the width of the first content div
	the padding right is the center minus half of the width of the last content div
		var $div 		= $(this);
		var div_width	= $div.width(); 
		w_width			+=div_width;
		//if first one, lets calculate the padding left
			padding_l = center - (div_width/2);
		//if last one, lets calculate the padding right
			padding_r = center - (div_width/2);
			one_divs_w= div_width;
		'width'				: w_width + 'px',
		'padding-left' 		: padding_l + 'px',
		'padding-right' 	: padding_r + 'px'
	//scroll all left;
	//initialize the slider
		orientation	: 'horizontal',
		max			: w_width -one_divs_w,//total width minus one content div width
		min			: 0,
		value		: 0,
		slide		: function(event, ui) {
		stop: function(event, ui) {
			//when we stop sliding 
			//we may want that the closest picture to the center 
			//of the window stays centered. Uncomment the following line
			//if you want that behavior
	//open the gallery and show the slider
	//scroll all right;

	//User clicks on a content div (image)
		var $current 	= $(this);
		//track the current one
		current			= $current.index();
		//center and show this image
		//the second parameter set to true means we want to 
		//display the picture after the image is centered on the screen

When the wrapper is scrolling, we also want the slider to scroll:

//while the gallery scrolls we want that the slider scrolls as well

These are the click events for both, next and previous buttons, when the user sees the images in full size. The function “navigate” is called either with “1” for next or “0” for previous

//User clicks next button (preview mode)
		photo_nav = false;

//User clicks previous button (preview mode)
		photo_nav = false;

Besides sliding the thumbs wrapper, we also want the ability to slide one at a time. The following are the click events for the buttons that take that action.

//User clicks next button (thumbs)

//User clicks previous button (thumbs)

The centerImage function is used to scroll the wrapper until the respective image is centered on the screen. If “open” is true, then it also shows the thumb in full size, by calling the enlarge function.

//centers an image and opens it if open is true
function centerImage($obj,open,speed){
	//the offset left of the element
	var obj_left 			= $obj.offset().left;
	//the center of the element is its offset left plus 
	//half of its width
	var obj_center 			= obj_left + ($obj.width()/2);
	//the center of the window
	var center				= $(window).width()/2;
	//how much the scroller has scrolled already
	var currentScrollLeft 	= parseFloat($fp_thumbScroller.scrollLeft(),10);
	//so we know that in order to center the image,
	//we must scroll the center of the image minus the center of the screen,
	//and add whatever we have scrolled already
	var move 				= currentScrollLeft + (obj_center - center);
	if(move != $fp_thumbScroller.scrollLeft()) //try 'easeInOutExpo'
						 .animate({scrollLeft: move}, speed,function(){
	else if(open)

To enlarge the thumb, we load the respective full image, place it on top of the thumb, and then animate it to the maximum we can get, based on the current windows size. After the image is enlarged, we display the close, next and previous buttons.

function enlarge($obj){
	//the image element
	var $thumb = $obj.find('img');
	//show loading image
	//preload large image
		var $large_img 	= $(this);
		//confirm there's no other large one
		//now let's position this image on the top of the thumb
		//we append this image to the fp_gallery div
		var obj_offset 	= $obj.offset();
			'width'	: $thumb.width() + 'px',
			'height': $thumb.height() + 'px',
			'top'	: + 'px',
			'left'	: obj_offset.left + 5 + 'px'//5 of margin
		//getFinalValues gives us the maximum possible width and height
		//for the large image based on the windows size.
		//those values are saved on the element using the
		var largeW 	= $'width');
		var largeH 	= $'height');
		//windows width, height and scroll
		var $window = $(window);
		var windowW = $window.width();
		var windowH = $window.height();
		var windowS = $window.scrollTop();
		//hide the image loading
		//show the overlay
		//now animate the large image
			'top'		: windowH/2 -largeH/2 + windowS + 'px',
			'left'		: windowW/2 -largeW/2 + 'px',
			'width'		: largeW + 'px',
			'height'	: largeH + 'px',
			'opacity'	: 1
			//after the animation, 
			//show the next, previous and close buttons

Clicking the close button will make the full image animate its positions and dimensions to the same ones like the respective thumb. After that we remove the image from the document.

//User clicks close button
	//windows scroll if any
	var windowS 		= $(window).scrollTop();
	//the large image being viewed
	var $large_img		= $('#fp_preview');
	//the current thumb
	var $current 		= $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')')
	//offset values of current thumb
	var current_offset	= $current.offset();
	//the large image will animate in the direction of the center
	//after that it is removed from the DOM
		'top'			: + windowS + 'px',
		'left'			: $(window).width()/2 - $current.width()/2 + 'px',
		'width'			: $current.width() + 'px',
		'height'		: $current.height() + 'px',
		'opacity'		: 0
		//hide the overlay, and the next, previous and close buttons

When an image is enlarged, we can navigate to the next or previous image of the gallery. By doing it, we want the slider to scroll, so that the current thumb is always behind the image that is being displayed.
If we click the next button, the current image slides out on the left side and the next one slides in from the right side of the window. We revert this logic if we click the previous button.

//shows next or previous image
//1 is right;0 is left
function navigate(way){
	//show loading image
		var $current = $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')')
		if($current.length == 0){
			photo_nav = true;
		var $current = $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')')
		if($current.length == 0){
			photo_nav = true;
	//load large image of next/previous content div
		var $large_img 		= $(this);
		var $fp_preview 	= $('#fp_preview');
		//make the current one slide left if clicking next
		//make the current one slide right if clicking previous
		var animate_to 		= -$fp_preview.width();
		var animate_from	= $(window).width();
			animate_to 		= $(window).width();
			animate_from	= -$fp_preview.width();
		//now we want that the thumb (of the last image viewed) 
		//stays centered on the screen
			var largeW 	= $'width');
			var largeH 	= $'height');
			var $window	= $(window);
			var windowW = $window.width();
			var windowH = $window.height();
			var windowS = $window.scrollTop();
				'width'		: largeW+'px',
				'height'	: largeH+'px',
				'top'		: windowH/2 -largeH/2 + windowS + 'px',
				'left'		: animate_from + 'px',
				'opacity' 	: 1	
				'left':windowW/2 -largeW/2+'px'
			  },500,function(){photo_nav = true;});

Given an image, the following function saves the maximum width and height that the image can have based on the windows size. It is used when we want to enlarge one image, and we need to calculate its final positions and dimensions.

function getFinalValues($image){
	var widthMargin		= 0
	var heightMargin 	= 20;
	var $window			= $(window);
	var windowH      	= $window.height()-heightMargin;
	var windowW      	= $window.width()-widthMargin;
	var theImage     	= new Image();
	theImage.src     	= $image.attr("src");
	var imgwidth     	= theImage.width;
	var imgheight    	= theImage.height;

	if((imgwidth > windowW)||(imgheight > windowH)){
		if(imgwidth > imgheight){
			var newwidth = windowW;
			var ratio = imgwidth / windowW;
			var newheight = imgheight / ratio;
			theImage.height = newheight;
			theImage.width= newwidth;
				var newnewheight = windowH;
				var newratio = newheight/windowH;
				var newnewwidth =newwidth/newratio;
				theImage.width = newnewwidth;
				theImage.height= newnewheight;
			var newheight = windowH;
			var ratio = imgheight / windowH;
			var newwidth = imgwidth / ratio;
			theImage.height = newheight;
			theImage.width= newwidth;
				var newnewwidth = windowW;
				var newratio = newwidth/windowW;
				var newnewheight =newheight/newratio;
				theImage.height = newnewheight;
				theImage.width= newnewwidth;

When we use the jQuery UI slider, we want to make sure that, when we stop sliding, the closest picture to the center of the screen gets centered. The following function takes care of that when called on the stop event of the slider.

function checkClosest(){
	var center 				= $(window).width()/2;
	var current_distance 	= 99999999;
	var idx					= 0;	
	$container				= $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')');
		var $obj 		= $(this);
		//the offset left of the element
		var obj_left 	= $obj.offset().left;
		//the center of the element is its offset left plus 
		//half of its width
		var obj_center 	= obj_left + ($obj.width()/2);
		var distance	= Math.abs(center-obj_center);
		if(distance < current_distance){
			current_distance 	= distance;
			idx					= i;
	var $new_current 	= $container.find('.content:nth-child('+parseInt(idx+1)+')');
	current 			= $new_current.index();

The slideThumb function is used when we want to scroll the thumbs one at a time. It calls the centerImage function for the next or previous element in the gallery.

//slides the scroller one picture 
//to the right or left
function slideThumb(way){
		var $next = $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')')
		if($next.length > 0)
		var $prev = $fp_thumbScroller.find('.container:nth-child('+parseInt(gallery_idx+1)+')')
		if($prev.length > 0)

To give the whole thing an even nicer look, we will cufonize the headings and the close text, by adding the following lines to the header of the HTML:

<script src="js/cufon-yui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/GreyscaleBasic.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

You can find the "Greyscale Basic" font on

And that's it! We hope you enjoyed and found this tutorial useful!!

Manoela Ilic

Manoela is the main tinkerer at Codrops. With a background in coding and passion for all things design, she creates web experiments and keeps frontend professionals informed about the latest trends.

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Comments are closed.
  1. Nice Gallery, Great job…
    But I need create auto slide for this gallery. Any sugestion or help?

    Thanks and sorry my bad english! =P


  2. I figured it out. Need to search for overflow and change ‘hidden’ to ‘scroll’ in the cufon-yui.js file.

  3. Hey Mary Lou this might sound stupid but how do I add more gallery’s I added more containers but it doesn’t work!

  4. How do you slow down the speed between large image previews? My client wants them to transition more slower.

    Also, how do you put the close button when viewing the large images within the image itself instead of all the way on the right corner of the site?

  5. mouse wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel scrolling ???????????????? anybody knows how to implement ? or mouse scrolling plugin ?

  6. Hello everybody!

    Is there someone who knows to create a link after the full image of this slider?

    I will be very thanful!

    Thank you.

  7. Where should I add this?

    $(document).ready(function() {

    Then add an ID to your under #fp_galleryList


  8. Hi ML !
    Can’t say how thankful I am. Great slider.
    Here is the result if you are interested. I still have some problems (the slider width doesn’t match the gallery width, nothing works on mobile and IE < 8 and the last image goes to a second line when the window is too small) but no time to fix it. Maybe later 🙂

    To all those having a hard time customizing it, I don't have time for technical support but feel free to copy my code ! I added default gallery, keyboard, mouse wheel, color switch, some vimeo scripts to go with imagecenter and pause videos when opening another gallery, preload full size images the first time a gallery is opened, horizontal and vertical centering (tough one), window resizing and a lot of bug fixes

  9. Hello,

    I will try it again.

    Is it possible to make the large image clickable?

    Hope somebody can answer my question.


  10. Hi guys!

    The solution to show on page load:

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    setTimeout( function() {
    }, 1000 );

  11. Thanks a lot for the great plugin. i was wondering how i can add other categories like Paris, New York, London, Melbourne? i have tried but its all in vain. Also if anyone can help me on how to center the images on the gallery once its open because they appear to be too much on the right side. Thanx

  12. hi guys,

    does anyone know how to add another menu item in the gallery list without showing the scroller? Tried different things but didnt work so far. I want a menu item to appear beside the last album item. Whenever I click the link it shows for 1s the empty scroller – loads the other page ok – but if someone uses the back button it shows again the empty scroller. If I put the other ul outside the gallery list the item logically doesnt show up in the menu line but above it. Any ideas or help on this – I’d be very thankful!

  13. @Stef What do you call scroller ? the slider with the handle and left/right arrows ?
    I managed to do this, you can check my website code :
    the important part is line 208. the “if” conditional statement goes all the way to line 257.
    ‘showreel’ and ‘about’ automatically have $fp_index = 1 and 5 assigned

    Check my website too when you click the enlarged image, it goes back to the slider
    you have to do this for the enlarge AND navigate functions

    $large_img.bind(‘click’, function () {
    any function you want

    add this after these 2 different lines:


    // thumb stays centered on the screen

  14. Ben,

    Great! Many Thanks! That was it! I meant the thumbscroller.container. I didnt think so far to work with indexes. And thanks for sharing your solution! It would look a bit awkward if one hits the back button after video’s finished and stares at the empty container ;-). BTW: I like your website ;-)!

  15. hm..Stuck with it since yesterday…I’m a bit lost here I think. I tried to insert the fp_index in the JS but then the thumbscroller.container doesnt show up anymore when I click on a gallery. Isnt there a much easier way to add another menu item in the menu line above which does not open the thumbcontainer but opens another page? Many thanks in advance…Yours frustratedly…Stef

  16. Wow beautiful gallery!

    your website looks great. I’ve one question. I finally get default gallery working, with your code as help.
    But I want the first gallery to have a slider. Tried several things but can’t get it working. You say first gallery is automatically have $fp_index = 1 assigned.. but how to show slider??

    Hope you can tell me, would help me a lot. Set another gallery as default also dont work!

  17. Hello Ben,

    Thanks for your answer.
    I have tried to do so, but it doesn’t work to me. I think i do something wrong.

    Can you look at the code for me?

    You have the function to go back to the slide. I want to open a form when you click on the enlarged picture.

    Hope you will help me.

    Thanks a lot!


  18. Can someone please explain how to show the title tag of an image in thumb view as well as popup view?

    It has been asked a couple of times, havent found a way to do this. 🙂

  19. Does anyone know how to make the slider work on the home page. Basically i want to get ride of the paris and gallery buttons.

  20. Does anyone know how to open one of the albums based off a link from another page? So for example, if I had a link on one of the other web pages that said “click here to view my Gallery3 images” and it would take you to the gallery page and automatically show gallery3.

    Thanks… great gallery!

  21. @BUCK > I use code like that:

    $(document).ready(function() {

    You have add this to some php page that display gallery, just before end body tag – …. and the link to gallery will be looks like:

  22. Hi mary very nice,firs of all, i’m french so excuse my english. I’m doing a new site for my wife claudia and i need to add text to explain and give a name to the big pictures. Is this possible ? and if yes could you explain me whitch code i should use and where i should place it ? Thank you in advance.

  23. Still curious if anyone knows if there is a way to have the slider align center or to the left instead of the right after the page loads.


  24. Well, I’m half way there. You can force it to align left by tricking the code into thinking the window is smaller by changing $(window).width()/2 to a very small number like 150. Only problem is the scroller then messes up.

  25. I created a seperate variable for the true center of the screen and called it centerScreen and used that variable on the padding_r variable and that seems to have fixed the scroller almost completely. Here’s some snippets.

    var centerScreen = $(window).width()/2;

    padding_r = centerScreen – (div_width/2);

  26. I added some kind captions for each thumbnail right under the thumbnails. It’s more like a label under each thumbnail. I dunno if its enough to serve the other people’s needs.
    <a href=”#” rel=”nofollow”>
    DW101 </a>
    adding this DIV after the thumbnail div to the code on your index.html
    Then in your add the following:
    .caption234 {
    text-decoration: none;

  27. Hey! I don’t know if this has been discussed already… but is there a way to have the first gallery to be opened by default?

  28. Awesome slider and killer design! Im working on a portfolio site for my mom as a gift for christmas and i plan to use your slider. Is it possible to code the script to load the thumbnails when the page loads (instead of clicking a link)?

    Thanks so much,


  29. This is a great gallery, but does anybody know how to add a link to the zoomed image or add a link below the thumb that will go to an external website. I want to use if for my portfolio but allow the user to go to the live websites I’ve designed. Thanks!

  30. HELP!!! When I get to the end of the scroller, the last picture shows the loading image and then the whole website freezes. 1. How can I stop that from happening?
    2. Is there a way to take the loading image completely out? Please if anyone has a clue can you help.

  31. @Jenn I think this means you last image is linked incorrectly. Look carefully at the thumbs link (img src=””) vs. the full image link (alt=””)

    I had a similar issue and solved by correcting an error in the full image link.

  32. heyya

    Plzz Help

    I want the slider to autoplay, i mean the first slide be opened once you enter into the page


  33. very nice and usefull slider, but I really need a way to put captions on the enlarged image, i’ve tried everything including a new overlay but it juste does not work, so please dear Manoela give me a hand.
    thank’s a lot

  34. Very nice indeed, could I use it for my home business gallery for free ? one link for your courtessy of course.

  35. Thanks for your help Thomas with my issue.

    Does anyone know how to lock the scroller? What i mean is if you press ctrl – or + it makes the scroller move either up or down on the screen. Also, the scroller seems to place itself in different positions on different screen resolutions. thanks

  36. @saif, you can add autoplay by adding to lines on your script just before the on your page:
    and on your list add a default id on the gallery you want to open as default:
    you better type the code insted of copy/paste because different commas comme as error on your script

  37. @saif, you can add autoplay by adding to lines on your script just before the on your page:
    and on your list add a default id on the gallery you want to open as default:
    “” yourgalleryname“”
    you better type the code insted of copy/paste because different commas comme as error on your script