Collective #75
Inspirational Website of the Week

Usually we're not big fans of sound effects on websites but HELLOHIKIMORI's website is just out of this world. Very interesting effects happen as the site elements build up in front of you. Dive in and enjoy.
Get inspiredMockUPhone

Wrap your app screenshots into a device mockup using this great tool by FileSquare.
Check it outAnimated line drawing in SVG

Jake Archibald explains how to smoothily animate an SVG line drawing.
Check it outThe "Other" Interface: Atomic Design With Sass

An interesting article by Robin Rendle on improving our current best practices of project organization based on the principles of atomic design introduced by Brad Frost.
Read itResponsive Pricing Table (PSD, HTML, CSS)

A clean and elegant pricing table over at
Get ittidyTime.js

TidyTime.js by Aaron Lumsden takes any regular time and changes it into a more human friendly expression.
Check it outSimpleSlideView

A great plugin (jQuery or Zepto) for the classic sliding views by Cloud Four.
Check it outDevTools: Working with CSS Preprocessors

Learn how to live-edit your preprocessor source files in the Chrome DevTools.
Read itSkeuocard

Definitely a great example for using skeuomorphism: Skeuocard by Kenneth Keiter progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.
Check it outPerspective App Screen Mock-Up (PSD)

A fantastic mobile app screen mockup in perspective by Pixeden.
Get itFree WordPress Theme: Empo

An elegant and responsive WordPress theme by Anariel Design which comes with a detailed documentation and some customization options. Download it from
Check it outPSD.rb

A Ruby library by LayerVault that opens up the PSD format and allows you to easily work with Photoshop documents.
Check it outCreating a 3D Game With Three.js and WebGL

In this tutorial Nikhil Suresh shows you how to get into 3D game development with Three.js and WebGL.
Check it outThe classList API

Derek Johnson writes about the classList API and shows you what you can do with it.
Read itMusic Player (PSD)

A slick music player concept by Atique with a free PSD.
Get itFree Font: PHANTOM

An elegant uppercase display typeface designed by Frank Hemmekam.
Get itSign in form (PSD)

A PSD freebie of an elegant sign in form by Faure Benjamin.
Get itPW Small Icons (ttf)

A beautiful sketched icon font by Peax Webdesign.
Get itFree Font: Look Up

Filiz Sahin did it again: Look Up is a playful and unique font that will give your project a special touch.
Get itFree Font: Parley

Parley is an interesting geometric font by Filipe Rolim.

Haven't you always wanted to include one of those fancy ASCII drawings into your website's source? Now you can find some great inspiration on created by Zac Halbert.
Check it out