Collective #76
Inspirational Website of the Week

The Yep! website has a beautiful and fun color scheme, clean typography and smooth scrolling effects. Our pick this week.
Get inspiredEmmet LiveStyle

Emmet LiveStyle is a powerful plugin for live bi-directional CSS editing between browser and editor. Currently, it works in Google Chrome, Safari and Sublime Text. Make sure to also check out this Smashing Magazine article by Sergey Chikuyonok: Introducing LiveStyle: Better, Stronger And Smarter CSS Live Reload.
Check it outJavaScript Kinetic Scrolling: Part 1

Ariya Hidayat is going to uncover the mystery of kinetic scrolling via several easy-to-digest code examples in this series of tutorials.
Check it outA guide to using Github Pages

A great guide by Thinkful on how to use GitHub pages to host your website and to practice Git.
Read itArbitrary anchors for any element on your page

A useful jQuery plugin for smooth anchor scrolling within a page. Made by Brian Gonzalez.
Check it outMultiplane Design with SVGs and CSS 3D Transforms

A great experiment by Nick Pettit using 3D transforms and SVGs to create a multiplane design.
Check it outA Responsive Web Design Process

Tristan L’Abbé from Heliom gives some insight on the responsive web design process and offers a responsive design starting PSD.
Read itAutoprefixer

With the powerful Autoprefixer by Andrey Sitnik you can write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes and because it compiles CSS once on deploy it doesn't impact client-side performance.
Check it outDesigners checklist advices

Advice by great designers presented in a stylish way. Made by Adrien Heury.
Check it outAbsolute Horizontal And Vertical Centering In CSS

Stephen Shaw summerizes all the centering methods for absolutely positioned elements in this article.
Check it outOne Second of the Internet

Check out how many Google searches are made, Reddit votes are cast, Instagram photos are uploaded, YouTube videos are watched and so on in just one tiny second.
Check it outUsing WebGL to Add 3D Effects to Your Website

A great article and demo by Guillaume Lecollinet that shows the possibilities of adding cool effects to your website using WebGL.
Check it outDelivery

A great free service by LayerVault that lets you share design work with clients and teammates.
Check it outHow to Do a Procedural City in 100 Lines

Jerome Etienne explains the code behind "city", a demo recently released by @mrdoob.
Check it outFree Font: Dense

An elegant and clean typeface by Charles Daoud. It comes in three weights: thin, regular and bold.
Get itRED UI – User Interface Design Kit (PSD)

A great freebie by Css Author in PSD format.
Get it24 Free Clothes Icons (AI)

An amazing set of 24 clothes icons by Pixel Fabric as Adobe Illustrator file.
Get itDevs Do Art

An intriguing compilation of fine artworks composed by developers :)
Check it outAtmosphere Apps backgrounds (JPG)

Some nice backgrounds for your next mobile app design by Media Loot.
Get itRails Startup Template
A useful startup template for Ruby on Rails 4 applications by Denny Britz.
Check it outFlattastic UI kit

A beautifully designed UI Kit by Vlade Dimovski brought to you by Webdesigner Depot.
Get it