Collective #35
Inspirational Website of the Week

This infographic website by Evans Halshaw will blow your socks off, especially if you are a Bond fan and car appreciator!
Get inspiredTouch Gesture Icons (PSD, EPS, PNG)

A set of brilliant free touch gesture icons designed for multi-touch devices.
Check it outCreating a True Cross-Browser Drop Shadow Effect With CSS3 & SVG

Dudley Storey will show you how to create a really great cross-browser solution for using the new drop-shadow filter. Also check out his in-depth article on the difference between the drop-shadow filter and box-shadow.
Read Create Beautiful One-Pagers

With you can create simple and stunning-looking one-page websites quickly, easily and for free.
Try itCreate a Trendy Retro Photo Effect Purely with CSS

A great retro photo effect tutorial using CSS only by Chris Spooner.
Read itLigature Symbols

A super-useful free font with a complete collection of many icons ready to be used as a web font.
Get itColorful CSS3 Animated Navigation Menu

A detailed tutorial by Martin Angelov on how to create a colorful drop-down menu using only CSS3 and the Font Awesome icon font.
Read itResponsive CSS Framework Comparison

If you are planning to use a responsive CSS Framework in your next project but are not sure which one fits your needs best, then check out this great comparison of Bootstrap vs. Foundation vs. Skeleton.
Check it outUsing the PageVisibility API

Joe Marini shows us what the new PageVisibility API is all about and what it can be useful for.
Read itViewport Resizer: Responsive Design Bookmarklet

Viewport resizer is a bookmarklet created by Malte Wassermann for testing any website’s responsiveness.
Try itGitHub Game Off

Github is throwing its own game jam! You have the entire month of November to create a web-based game and you are encouraged to use open source libraries, frameworks, graphics, and sounds.
Check it outThe New Awwwards is coming

If you like to browse Awwwards for new web design inspiration then you might want to assist their re-vamp which will come out today (28th of October)!
Check it outFree Font: Indi 36

An interesting and creative font experiment by John Grilla.
Get itFine Uploader

This project attempts to achieve a user-friendly file-uploading experience over the web. It's built as a JavaScript plugin for developers looking to incorporate file-uploading into their website.
Check it outKort: Thumbnail Preview Concept

An interesting thumbnail preview concept by Hakim El Hattab, which works for hover and touch.
Check it out$.url(): Simple URL Parser

If you need a simple and light-weight URL parser for jQuery then this might be just right for you.
Check it outCreate Shaped Avatars With CSS and Webkit

Learn how to create interesting looking avatar shapes in this tutorial by Joshua Johnson (WebKit only).
Read itThe Real Beauty of CSS3 Box Shadows

A nice introduction to box shadows and what can be done with them. With some additional interesting resources.
Read itDigital Bits

In his workshop John Caserta asked his students to do the following: "Collect objects that you find in and around your apartment, and draw them using HTML and CSS." Check out the results!
Check it outMakisu: A CSS 3D Drop-Down Concept

Makisu by Justin Windle is an experimental CSS 3D drop-down concept, wrapped up in a jQuery plugin.
Check it outDashboard Elements (PSD)

A free PSD with dashboard elements designed by Grzegorz Grzelak for Vandelay Design.
Get itBucketlistly: Social Bucket List

Bucketlistly is a gorgeous web app that helps you complete your long life goals through collaboration. You can snap a photo, grab a location, describe how you accomplished it and attached it to your achievement so that your friends or other people with same interests can accomplish the same goal as you.
Check it outjq-tiles: jQuery Slideshow Plugin

With jq-tiles you can create many interesting slide transitions in your slideshow. It is a jQuery plugin that leverages the power of CSS3 and comes with a lot of options.
Try itCut&Slice me Photoshop Plugin

Use this free Photoshop Plugin to export your assets to different devices in seconds. Improve your workflow by just naming your layers.
Try itEquations for Organic Motion

This test sheet is yet another great creation by Justin Windle. It displays the results of equations for organic movements.
Check it outFree Font: Doux

Dmitry Savin created this interesting and beautiful font and you can download it for free.
Get it