Collective #36
Inspirational Website of the Week

The Mealings are a truly charming and talented couple and you will notice that instantly when you visit their website. Definitely this week's pick!
Get inspiredPolyfilter: A CSS Filters Polyfill

Make CSS Filters work almost everywhere with this fantastic polyfill by Christian Schaefer. It takes the official CSS filters syntax and translates it to the different equivalent techniques that each browser knows for those effects.
Check it outJank Busting for Better Rendering Performance

Tom Wiltzius shows you how to start optimizing performance of your web app and make it feel more "native".
Read itExtended Entypo Glyph Set

The updated Entypo Glyph Set is a free set of 284 pictograms by Daniel Bruce. The icons are available as EPS, PDF and Photoshop PSD files as well as desktop typefaces (TrueType, OpenType) and Web fonts.
Get itMilky UI Kit (PSD)

A beautiful and free UI Kit by incredibly talented Celegorm.
Get itEmmet: Next Generation Zen Coding

Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow. You can type CSS-like expressions that will be dynamically parsed, and produce your required output.
Try itMontage HTML5 Framework

The Montage framework lets you develop rich HTML5 applications that use JavaScript on both, the front-end via the browser, and back-end via Node.js. You can build rich UIs in the client, and use a service-oriented back-end to handle data persistence and server-side logic, all using one language.
Check it outFree Font: Poly Type

If you need an extravagant and abstract font for your next project, Poly Type might be interesting to you. Zafer Degerli designed this exquisite artistic font.
Get itFlexplorer: CSS Flexbox Explorer

Understand the holy grail of all box models, the new CSS flex layout model, with this great online tool by Bennett Feely.
Check it outIcoMoon App

With the IcoMoon app you can browse and select icons to combine them to a font and download them. You can also import SVG images or your own fonts.
Try itResume (PSD)

Rob Hendricks created this stunning-looking resume and offers the PSD for free to learn from it.
Check it outFree iPad Mini Vector Mock-up (PSD)

A great new freebie by MediaLoot: a high-resolution vector-based mock-up of the new iPad mini. It also includes Smart Objects for adding your own screenshots to the devices.
Get itFreelancePro: Online Reputation Building

If you are a freelancer, you might find this app quite useful. With FreelancePro you can create a professional reputation profile to market yourself and automatically receive relevant job matches. It's still in private beta, so you will have to send an invitation request.
Check it outIcon Sketch Template (PDF)

If you design icons, you might find this little printable icon sketch template by Jayson Lane very useful.
Get itrwdgrid: Responsive Grid System

Rwdgrid is yet another grid system based on the popular 960 grid. It is responsive and you'll find it easy to understand and use if you have worked with the 960 grid system.
Check it outJSter JavaScript Library Catalog

JSter is a community-driven catalog of the most useful JavaScript libraries. It makes it easy to find the right tool for specific projects.
Check it outButtons And Switches (PSD)

Designer MVBen will make your jaw drop with all his creations and these buttons and switches are yet another example of perfect detail.
Get itResponsive Showcase (PSD)

Present your responsive project with this great new freebie of Pixeden.
Get itRetro Style Vector Arrows (AI, EPS)

Some free and useful retro-looking vector arrows by WeGraphics.
Get itCSS3 Tucked Corners

Catalin Rosu shows you how to create a tucked corner effect solution which allows the usage of a pattern as a background for the containing block.
Read itDark Chart UI Kit (PSD)

Melissa Phillips offers this sharp-looking and unique chart UI kit for free.
Get itBasics of Implementing Gravity with HTML5 Canvas

Learn how to understand the basics of implementing natural gravity in your canvas app.
Read it