Collective #112
Inspirational Website of the Week: Studio Songes

The creative navigation experience and extravagant style of Studio Songes made it our pick this week.
Get inspiredUnderstanding CSS Timing Functions

Stephen Greig will teach you everything you need to know about CSS timing functions in this excellent article over on Smashing Magazine.
Read itshine.js

A great library for creating beautiful shadow effects with dynamic light source positions.
Check it outUnderstanding Vector Shapes in Illustrator

A complete, in-depth tutorial by Matt D. Smith that will help you understand and master vector shapes in Adobe Illustrator.
Read itVLEX

VLEX is a great script for overcoming SVG shortcomings regarding layout responsiveness.
Check it outFree Font: Polar Vertex

Katharine Howard designed this dreamy geometric display typeface and you can get it for a tweet.
Get itWeb Components and you – dangers to avoid

Christian Heilmann summarizes some dangers that might mess up Web Components and encourages developers to get involved defining them.
Read itCSS Vocabulary

What's a block and what's a selector? This page by Ville Vanninen will help you learn the basic terms of CSS and understand the vocabulary visually.
Check it outWikipedia concept

A fantastic Wikipedia design concept by Salomon Aurélien with an additional prototype preview by Vinny Fonseca.
Check it outPourOver

PourOver is a powerful JavaScript library that allows for fast filtering and sorting of very large item collections.
Check it outImprove the payment experience with animations

Michaël Villar from Stripe shows how the payment experience can be enhanced with some really nice animations.
Read itGoogle I/O 2014

The beautifully creative and interactive website of this year's Google I/O event.
Check it outChampicons (AI)

A lovely set of champion icons by Emanuel Serbanoiu.
Get itJeet Grid System

No more needlessly nesting elements and no more rigid twelve column rules: Jeet is an human-understandable grid system by MojoTech.
Check it outTrianglify

Trianglify by Quinn Rohlf is a JavaScript library for generating colorful triangle meshes.
Check it outJuggle

A lovely juggle animation pen by Noah Blon.
Check it outAre Magazine Apps Dead? A State of the Art Roundtable

A very interesting read with opinions of great magazine makers on the current (grim-looking) state of digital magazine apps for tablets.
Read it12 Little-Known CSS Facts

An interesting compilation of some little-known, yet useful CSS facts by Louis Lazaris.
Check it outFree Font: Adria Slab

Adria Slab is a clean and elegant slab serif typeface and you can get the regular style for free. Designed by Marcus Sterz.
Get itPrototypo

A promising looking font creation project that is currently being developed in the open. A successful crowdfunding campaign is making the development of the first version possible.
Check it out