
In this section, you will find a variety of in-depth articles written by skilled front-end developers that cover a range of web development and web design techniques.

Page Transitions with CSS3

by Sergio Camalich

In the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of single page websites lying around the internet, most of them using JavaScript for some transitions effect. Well, now I’m gonna teach you how you can have your own, but instead I’ll be using CSS Transitions and the :target property to do all the magic.

Sliding Image Panels with CSS3

by Manoela Ilic

Today we’ll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The idea is to use background images for the panels and animate them when clicking on a label. We’ll use radio buttons with labels and target the respective panels with the general sibling selector.

Filter Functionality with CSS3

by Manoela Ilic

Using the general sibling combinator and the :checked pseudo-class, we can toggle states of other elements by checking a checkbox or a radio button. In this tutorial we will be exploring those CSS3 properties by creating a experimental portfolio filter that will toggle the states of items of a specific type.

Slopy Elements with CSS3

by Manoela Ilic

It’s always a delight to see some non-straight elements in web design. Angled shapes and diagonal lines can create an interesting visual flow and add some unexpected excitement. Inspired by many superb designs that use non-straight elements, I want to show you some simple examples and ways how to create slopy, skewed elements with CSS only.

Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery

by Manoela Ilic

Today we want to show you how to create a simple blur effect for text-based items. The idea is to have a set of text boxes that will get blurred and scaled down once we hover over them. The item in focus will scale up. This will create some kind of “focus” effect that drwas the attention to the currently hovered item.

Experiments with background-clip: text

by Manoela Ilic

With the CSS property “background-clip: text” (which is currently only supported in Webkit browsers), we can add a background image to a text element. Today we will experiment with it and create some fun examples by adding CSS3 transitions.

Splash and Coming Soon Page Effects with CSS3

by Manoela Ilic

CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. We’ll experiment with animation sequences and how to bring some life to some simple elements.

Lateral On-Scroll Sliding with jQuery

by Manoela Ilic

After getting the request, we are going to show you how to create a “slide-in on scroll” effect. You’ve probably seen this cool effect on some websites, like on Nizo or in the portfolio section of brilliantly designed La Moulade. The main idea is to laterally slide in elements depending on the scroll position of the document. Dividing the page into a left and right side, we want to move the elements from “outside” of the page to the center when they are in the viewport. We will also add the option to move the elements in 3D space.