Simple Effects for Drop-Down Lists
In Playground
A jQuery plugin for transforming select inputs into drop-down lists with some simple expanding effects.
In Playground
A jQuery plugin for transforming select inputs into drop-down lists with some simple expanding effects.
In Playground
A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.
In Articles
The animated responsive grid, the direction-aware hover effect and the swatchbook have all been updated and added to GitHub.
In Playground
An experimental jQuery plugin that will group thumbnails by a shared data-attribute into a pile. When clicking on the pile, the thumbnails that belong to that pile will be spread into a grid using CSS transitions.
In Tutorials
A tutorial about how to create an experimental CSS-only timeline with a 3D effect. The idea is to expand a content area when the associated radio input is selected.
In Playground
With this jQuery plugin items can be spread in a card-like fashion and displayed in an unusual way. Several parameters allow many different spreading results, allowing a unique pattern.
In Playground
Gamma Gallery is an experimental responsive image gallery that attempts to provide an adjustable responsive images approach taking its grid layout and the full slideshow view into account.
In Articles
Elastislide, the responsive image carousel, has been updated and improved. It can be used vertically or horizontally and a minimun number of visible images can be specified.
In Articles
Slit Slider is a slideshow with a twist: when navigating the slides, the current one will be “cut open” into two slices and moved away, revealing the next or previous slide. The slider can be used in a responsive context and it has been updated and improved.
In Articles
Slicebox, the jQuery 3D image slider plugin, has been updated. We’ve done some major improvements and added new features.
In Playground
A highly experimental jQuery plugin that let’s you unfold elements to reveal more content just like on a piece of paper. Unfolding directions and number of steps can be specified.
In Playground
This jQuery plugin can be used to swiftly navigate content items. The effect will make the items fly away like a deck of cards caught in a tiny storm.
In Tutorials
A tutorial on how to create a responsive vertical fullscreen slider that moves its sections in opposite directions. We’ll be using jQuery, CSS Transitions and media queries to make the layout adaptive.
In Tutorials
A responsive 3D menu concept for a restaurant website. The idea is to show the menu as a folded flyer and unfold it in order to show the menu items.
In Tutorials
Let’s create some interesting web typography effects with several CSS techniques and the help of lettering.js.
In Playground
A jQuery plugin that will create a booklet-like component that let’s you navigate through its items by flipping the pages.
In Playground
A 3D thumbnail view concept for image slideshows: the current image gets opened up and a thumbnail view unfolds in 3d.
In Tutorials
A tutorial about how to create a triple panel jQuery image slider with a 3D look and swipe-like transitions.