Artsy Media Pop Up Effect
In Playground,
A fun experiment with proof-of-concepts for various simple media pop ups on hover or touch. The idea is to show images, videos or other media in a pop up style with different effects.
In Playground,
A fun experiment with proof-of-concepts for various simple media pop ups on hover or touch. The idea is to show images, videos or other media in a pop up style with different effects.
In Playground,
A set of inspirational letter animations for display typography effects powered by anime.js.
In Playground,
The Line Maker is a plugin for creating and animating decorative lines on websites. Inspired by site designs like ‘Uber Brand Experience’ and ‘Details’.
In Playground,
A background image segment effect as seen on Filippo Bello’s Portfolio, employing the CSS clip-path property and powered by anime.js.
In Playground,
An experimental SVG letter animation based on the Dribbble shot “Shading Letters in Illustrator” by Jake Bartlett. Powered by Julian Garnier’s anime.js.
In Playground,
Some navigation style ideas for slideshows, pages and other components that require a navigation. Shown on the example of a vertical slideshow.
In Playground,
A simple decorative slideshow component with individual slide layouts and effects. Powered by anime.js.
In Playground,
A landing page template with a featured content section and background sounds that change according to the view.
In Playground,
An interactive transparency background effect that makes images visible when specific points are hovered, showing some content once clicked.
In Playground,
An experiment where grid items get revealed and unrevealed with animated, morphing SVG paths using anime.js.
In Playground,
An experimental template with an interactive old school record player powered by the Web Audio API.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to create multi-layer page reveal effects with a couple of ideas for inspiration.
In Playground,
Some experimental isometric and 3D grids. The idea is to use isometric/3D grids as decorative elements or with some interaction.
In Playground,
An interactive 3D mall map concept with a sidebar search and pin indicators for every level.
In Playground,
Various icon animations made with mo.js, a powerful motion graphics library by Oleg Solomka. Inspiration comes from the Dribbble shot “Like Animation” by Daryl Ginn.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to create an intro animation where a decorative Polaroid stack becomes a grid similar to the effect seen on the takeit website.
In Playground,
A very simple content slideshow with circular slides and an elastic, bouncy navigation effect. Inspired by the Dribbble shot “Mobile Commerce Interface” by Bilal Mechairia.
In Playground,
An experimental demo where a 3D perspective preview is shown for a selected seat in a cinema room.