MyThemeShop Membership & MacBook Air Giveaway

Win an 11-inch MacBook Air, Premium WordPress Theme memberships and more great prices in this giveaway by MyThemeShop.

We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!

About MyThemeShop

When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.

Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.

The Prizes

Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:

  1. 11-inch MacBook Air worth $899

    • 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
    • Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
    • Intel HD Graphics 6000
    • 4GB memory
    • 128GB PCIe-based flash storage

    Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.

  2. 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
  3. 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
  4. 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
  5. 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total

How To Enter

To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:

  1. Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
  2. Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:

Good luck to everyone!

This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.

The Winners

We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:

Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!

Thank you all for participating!

The MacBook Air Winner

Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:


We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂

Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.


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  1. My current Macbook is on its last legs so an upgrade would be great! + Themes are always great 🙂

  2. A macbook air would be amazing. I just had surgery and it would be great not to have to be at my desk all the time. 🙂

  3. I am working on web designing an embedded systems projects which require notebook with great configuration, security and I am unable to have one. I am sure MacBook would help me a lot.

  4. I am working on web designing an embedded systems projects which require notebook with great configuration, security and I don’t have one. I used to perform my projects in the desktop in the college which is a bit time taking and generally my innovative ideas doesn’t works on it. I am sure MacBook would help me a lot.

  5. i’m a web developer and a designs lover, so the MacBook Air and the membership will fit perfect for all projects and ideas for this 2016.
    Codrops team and passionate readers, Greetings from Honduras!!!

  6. I’m a frontend developer. Specialized for a few years in UI and UX, I ‘m currently working in a Startup – Schoolmouv – and our project aimed to provide online high-quality video courses for student. I hope it’s gonna work !

  7. As a Product Designer, I’m interested to try out this new MacBook Air 11″.
    I’m a fan of minimal projects, it could give inspiration to simple and productive experiences for the web.
    Specially taking inspiration from your resources guys 😉


  8. Im a web developer devoted to making the world a better place through technology and I want to win this because i code in windows environment and it would be really great to code in unix like environment which requires a great configuration and resources that this machine has to offer. Plugins and Themes for a year would help me in so many ways.

    -Symond from Philippines

  9. Being a WordPress developer myself, I respect MyThemeShop work very much, knowing what kind of effort is needed to accomplish that level of quality. For sure would like one Mac to have at last, but MyThemeShop Membership would not make me unhappy. :-)Wishing you a jolly holidays, and lot of success in new year.

  10. I am UI/UX designer and Web developer. Either Designer or developer is need good equipment to show his/her skill. Mac Air or MyThemeShop Membership both are are good as an equipment to a designer and developer to improve the quality of work and skill.

  11. Hi there,

    Tympanus Codrops has always been a source of inspiration and has guided me through the world of web development, back from the CSS3 Fluid Parallax Slideshow(2012) to the last inspirational article “Storytelling Map”, thank you very much, you truly are appreciated.

    I build my conceptual sites from nothing but your past and present inspiration, no CMS at all, a Macbook Air would be the perfect companion so I can take my love for web development wherever I go.

    Thank you.

  12. Codrops is awesome! I would love to win any of these prizes as it would be great to finally get a portable Mac or to add some themes to my WordPress collection!

  13. Last summer I started making websites. Codrops is always a good place for inspiration, but some extra equipment would also be very useful 😉

    Best wishes!

  14. I used to create multi-threaded applications in DOS and Windows286, and thought that a major software update was a larger Text Box as 32KB was extremely expensive. Please help me forget the Dark Ages!

  15. it’s not like i need some extra inspiration to create websites. I would like the Inspiration to create THE websites. So not only everyone admires the usability of them but also the looks, graphics and animations. Winning prize is the ultimate tool to do it all and more. So give me a chance to be awesome and reach for the stars.

  16. I’m just a new guy starting a developer career on web, I just finished my first internship and I’m actually getting started into WordPress.
    All that late xmas presents are great, good luck all and loads of success next year 🙂
    Keep the good work Codrops.

    Thank you,
    Your regardful yet silent 1+ year follower Rui!

  17. Happy New Year!

    Would love a new machine to help grow my WordPress development business, Milk & Pixels!

  18. Hello Codrops!

    To give you some context, I’m a recent college graduate. Having no idea what to do career-wise, I took a research position at my school. That job, which started out with environmental research, somehow transformed into singlehandedly building an entire website. Now, you have to understand, at the time, my experience with web development was limited to tweaking my tumblr theme’s color scheme. However, after much keyboard-mashing and many embarrassing google searches for words like “divs,” I am in the process of making an aesthetically pleasing, functional website! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the inspiration (and source codes, yay!) from your website. As for WordPress, I’d love to explore what MyThemeShop has to offer; I seriously can’t get over all the awesome animations that exist. Anyway, thank you so much, and I hope to win the giveaway!

    All best,

    PS. Have a great 2016! 🙂

  19. Macbook Air and MyThemeShop Membership would enourmously help my nephew’s graphics design carrier , this gift would be a dream come true !Thank you for the chance!

  20. my daughter is starting college soon and she cannot afford a laptop. She is stuck doing homework at a library. I feel awful for her because I’m not able to help her out. Winning this would be a dream for her. She would be able to do homework at home and easily at school. Thanks for the chance.

  21. i’m not a developper but a future engineer in mechanical field, but still the macbook air would be just incredibly usseful!
    this little machine is so frigging light and powerful!

  22. First off, great website, more so for css animations, which is what I generally come for. Love the designs as well. I am currently working on a startup (mind-i) and my pc just failed which has lead to missed deadlines as well as a difficulty to even raise capital to replace it. This MacBook Air will make all the difference

  23. This mac book air will help with putting serious content on a website I own as well as allow me to post better quality montages and connect with my fans for twitch.

  24. How would a Macbook Air help me, it’s easy. First of all it would redouce the rist of an heart attak because it wont freeze and slow down whenever I try to save my code on my old macbook. Second I would be able to use it longer than 20 Minuten with out plugging it in…

    I think it must be great to be able to use your trackpad to work with, instead an mouse.

    But at all I love my old macbook Senior, but a new macbook air would make it possible to let him retire.

  25. I would like to have 11-inch MacBook Air. I really tired of the Windows software and the laptop is gonna be helping me to improve my works all the time.

  26. My husband and I started a business last year and we’ve done so in a desktop with no tablet or laptop! ???? This would make life easier! We also have yet to develop a website and this would be PERFECT!

  27. Having high quality themes and access to many options is a great resource to have when working with new clients. It saves them money and saves me time in developing a new home for their company or product. I love Apple products and have owned MacBooks for a few years. A new MacBook would be like Christmas morning and would be a bright spot in a pretty rough 2015. Thanks for considering me!

  28. Hello Everyone,

    Firstly, happy new year to all of you. And many thanks to Codrops and MyThemeShop to make this offer. I am a web developer, yes MacBook Air is big edition for me. And its help me to provide quality work.

    Again wishing you a lot of success in this new year 2016.

    Er Pankaj Sood

  29. Wow! I don’t want to miss winning this once in a lifetime prizes. All prizes are useful for designing and developing web pages, web apps and more.

    One day, using these prizes will help me lead to supply codes or an article that are relevant and inspiring in Codrops… and most importantly I will be thankful each day for these giveaways.

  30. Hello!

    I have been reading articles on codrops since a long time. It’s been really great. The stuff you guys share is really epic. Not saying this just because I wanna win. It doesn’t matter because what you guys do and share is really great.

    And about the prizes, ;):
    I am still a student, I do freelance web development to pay my tuition fees, daily junk food (heh), etc. I develop independent scripts (from scratch, using a soft framework I developed) and plugins for a forum software named “MyBB”.
    I am not sure how to “ask” you to give me that Macbook, haha. Because it feels kinda weird. But yea, It’d make my life easier for sure.

    Thank you.

  31. Good morning and Happy new year!

    I create websites for a living.
    I do not think that a MacBook Air would make a huge difference to the quality of my work, (that deepens on me really), but a membership would save me some credits that I would be able to invest in other areas of my work.

    Have a nice day 🙂


  32. I really need a new laptop. My old one is giving me a lot of problems. I am a university student and I need it to do my research projects.

  33. Hello Everyone,

    Firstly, happy new year to all of you. I am a web developer and the MacBook Air is big edition for me. Its help me to provide quality work. Again wishing you a lot of success in this new year 2016.

    Hung The

  34. I am working at home as a freelancer for wordpress website developer and android, iOS developer cum tester, Premium WordPress Theme memberships with other freebies will be a great boostup for my work and Mcbook air will be a added device for my ios testing need.

  35. I never had a Macbook Air or any Apple’s devices, I really want to taste it, apple is sweet isn’t it? my life would be sweeter if I could have one. Working, browsing and reading codrop’s articles using a shiny Macbook Air.. ahhh.. it would be an awesome experience for me.

  36. Good evening and have a nice year !

    My journey started in the early year of 2015 in Web Design and Web Development, as I continued my adventure I’ve started to change my way of thinking. Using OSX would speed up the process of learning on Programming aswell on graphics. Moreover I could take it with me during classes to work & learn everywhere I’d go. I’m intrigued to pursue an career on Programming and a nice start in this year would have a great impact on my journey.

    Have a nice year !
    Thank you, Mihai.

  37. I just started my own website and I need all the help that I can get. :s Great giveaway! Happy new year!

  38. I setup my first website for my photography, years ago using WordPress – I loved it. Recently I built another for my hobby and people loved it and asked if I could do the same for them. I decided to turn it into my business, however I have a PC I use at home
    with my family and honestly it makes it difficult to work. It is never quiet and I am always disturbed. I can never focus for much longer than 20 minutes at a time.

    It would truly help me propel my business forward to be able to move my work station with ease. It can travel with me and I can work on it anytime, waiting rooms, library or long drives. I do not have the income yet to buy a MacBook Air. But if I did, I cannot imagine the amount of work I would be able to complete if I could tuck myself elsewhere, in silence to work – I’d finish quickly. Winning would help me give myself a chance to work so I can, most importantly, take care of myself, income wise when we are struggling so much now but also start building this business, doing something I actually enjoy doing and to be honest it’s probably one of the few things I can do while dealing with my chronic illness.

    Thank you for reading.


  39. Hi Codrops!

    Between working full-time, running a part-time photo business, starting another small business and keeping up with my toddler, I’m stretched pretty thin for time and resources these days. A Macbook Air would allow me to make the most of those free moments… whether they be in my living room or on my lunch break… and a membership would help me revamp my photo site with minimal headaches! Love you guys and all you do! Kate

  40. My step father runs a math software business from home that he created complex math solutions for small businesses. I’d like to gift this prize to him should I win.

  41. I run a one-man design business in Brazil and, wow, this macbook would double my productivity.

  42. Happy New Year Everyone! I would love to win the MacBook Air! I lost my job in January 2015 and been going through somewhat of a depression. I was completely shocked because I had just gotten a great review and a raise a few months prior. It took about 6 months to get a new one and when I did I took a huge paycut. I figured its better taking it then collecting unemployment. I’m miserable at my current job and looking for a new one. In the meantime, I started to take project management class to become certified PMP. I am also learning how to code online. However, my current PC been acting crazy and crashing. I would be taking a practice exam, applying for a new job or coding and have to restart my computer constantly. It’s getting quite annoying! Winning this computer would mean so much since I can’t really splurge on a new one at this time. Thank you so much for the opportunity and good luck to all!

  43. Hello, I’m an avid fan of codrops from Indonesia and I’ve been gaining new insight for almost two years.
    And I think the membership of myThemeshop will help me build a better web. Plus the macbook air would be a good additional tools for my web development.

  44. I am a Video Student and I am one of the only people in my class that uses PC instead of Mac. I really don’t enjoy using it but it is all that I can afford. On my PC I normally run a virtualization program called “VirtualBox” because I was taught through highschool to use programs like Final Cut Pro that are not on PC and it causes my laptop to run much slower. It would also work great for me because of how light it is and I would be able to carry it around Campus better.

  45. I would love to win this MacBook as I am always traveling for work and need a light, portable computer!

  46. First of all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I really long for the Macbook Air and that too for the following reasons:

    1. I am a part time freelance programmer and a lot of stuff that I currently do in windows (coding to be exact) can be done much easily and flawlessly on a Mac with the power of its terminal. Also the Air is ultra slim and portable with a long lasting battery which would really help when I am on the go. In a way it would make me more efficient, professionally. But right now I simply cannot afford it.

    2. This one is more personal. I have always had a brand fascination for apple ever since I got my iPod Shuffle quite some years ago. Apple’s careful detailing with the nitty gritty of a product is what sets them apart.

    That’s all. Best Wishes and tk cr.?

  47. Hello Everyone,
    I am a student of CS and I build websites for educational purposes like Dabble Point and Alig Tutorials, I need this because I want to learn more and discover more in the area of Web Development. Being a student, I find myself unable to buy expensive things and stick to the free things only. I wish this could be mine, I’ll be really grateful. 🙂