From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!
About MyThemeShop
When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.
Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.
The Prizes
Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:
11-inch MacBook Air worth $899
- 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
- Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
- Intel HD Graphics 6000
- 4GB memory
- 128GB PCIe-based flash storage
Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.
- 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
- 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total
How To Enter
To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:
- Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
- Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:
Good luck to everyone!
This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
- 11-inch MacBook Air:
- Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year:
- Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year:
- Premium WordPress themes:
- Premium WordPress plugins:
Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!
Thank you all for participating!
The MacBook Air Winner
Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:
We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂
Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.
I’m a Web developer since 1998, starting with “Frontpage”. Just Websites with colorful GIF animations and underlined links 🙂 I’m working since then with Windows and would like to switch to a mac, there are such nice applications like Coda and the smooth desktop. Maybe this would be a good start for that?
I’d love to win the MacBook Air because my old computer is a white MacBook and damage. I would be a great help to work anywhere. Thank you very much for the opportunity!
Please send it to me, I want to help my brother start his marketing company.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Going back to school for an advanced degree, a new MacBook Air sure would make the homework easier.
The reason that I believe I am the best candidate to win the the “Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year” is due to the fact that I am planning on starting a Web Design business on January 11th. However, it is somewhat hard being 22 years old and starting up your own web design business from the small fact that I have very little capital to begin with. So winning this second place prize would be significantly helpful in starting up my business by eliminating some of my overhead cost which comes directly out of my pocket to begin with. Although a lot of people really want the MacBook Air; I would be very grateful and would always recommend customers back to MyThemeShop in the future.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity and good luck to everyone else replying to this post!
Happy New Year!
Would be nice to try out a new computer 🙂
I’d love to win the MacBook Air because I don’t have a laptop yet. I have only the workstation which is not so mobile 🙂
I´d like to win the MacBook Air. My old computer crashed two month ago and I need a new one!!!
I’ve never worked on a Mac. Really. Is that good enough?
Starting 2016 with new laptop and some new premium themes would be perfect for my startup company. With a Mac book air I would be develop apps for iOS, and with the premium themes I would approach to develop my personal website and make happy to some clients.
I am interested in both the membership and the laptop. I am certain that both will greatly aid my speed of development and will expand my coding abillities to new areas such as wordpress and the apple environment.
As a designer/developer doctors highly recommended me Macbook 🙂
Yet another person getting by as a web developer with a cheap Windows machine. Cygwin sometimes just doesn’t cut it, and my back hurts. I’ve spent decades acting like I was anti-Mac, but I now openly acknowledge they just aren’t in my price range. (Previously due to poverty, now due to being a parent.)
.. great giveaway! As a front-end webdesigner I like to use WordPress as CMS, so new premium WP themes is always welcome here ? And who doesn’t want a 11-inch MacBook Air!
Some time ago I read a very nice quote:
Following this idea, I would say the same thing about programmers; obviously not in relation with painless, but yes with creativity. A programmer wouldn’t do any productive thing if he hasn’t had creativity. Even the best problem-solvers in the world (in relation with software problems) needs to have a lot of creativity to know how to solve an specific problem. It is not just about putting a nice design and a very cute frontend, it is about have the mind able and open to fix and solve any problem of any kind.
Now, with Bukowski in my side, I would like to finish the sentence saying that a programmer needs his creativity so much as his own computer (a very good computer, if possible). So, as I believe I already have a very good creativity to solve any problem (it can be demonstrated in the following website: Knyou), I would need only a very good computer to continue inspiring more people with my creativity and making art in a single website (in here will be a lot of creativity).
Please, just think about the idea I proposed. I’m really sure that I’m the only one who will use that computer in its max capacity to make art.
So, my story:
'use strict'; var myWifeState = 'pregnant'; var daysBeforeBirth = [0, 7]; var prizeWasWon = true; // I hope so explainProblem() .then(winMacBook.bind(this, prizeWasWon)) .then(makePresent) .then(saveTime) .then(codeMore) .catch(allIsLost); function explainProblem() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Hi! My name is Alex and I am frontend web developer. My wife is ${myWifeState} and I want to make a present for her on my son's birth (it will happen in the next ${daysBeforeBirth[0]}-${daysBeforeBirth[1]} days). If she would have her own notebook, it would save a lot of my working time :)`); return resolve(); }); } function winMacBook(prizeWasWon) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (prizeWasWon) { console.log('Thank you! I am so happy...'); return resolve(); } else { return reject(); } }); } function makePresent() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('My wife is so happy for the present!'); return resolve(); }); } function saveTime() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('Now I have a lot of time to do great things.'); return resolve(); }); } function codeMore() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('This code will be the best code I ever did!'); return resolve(); }); } function allIsLost() { console.log('Maybe next time...'); }
I would like to win the Macbook for my daughter who is just starting up her own online shop. The themes would also go a long way toward her website design.
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/rusthawk/status/681560919718010880
I’d love to win the MacBook Air as it’d replace my old Compaq and become my new weapon for web design.
I’d love a Macbook Air. Currently using a Dell 11 Chromebook and offloading development to a DigitalOcean droplet. Being able to run MacVim and compile locally would be a great productivity gain.
My MacBook is about 6 year old, but cost of living plus student loans, I have been able to get a new one.
I’d like to win MacBook Air because I’m a web designer and a PC user, but I always hope to have a Mac laptop to be a Mac user and test the MacBook Air World 🙂
As for the membership, it’s certainly a very good thing to have an access to such beautiful themes 🙂
Thank you for this giveaway, and congratulation to winner for now 🙂
I have been looking out the “windows” for too long now. I think it’s time to eat an apple (;
A membership would highly inspire me keep building new and better.
I am trying to work on my personal blog, and need the wow factor to work more efficiently and grow my audience! Thank you for the chance!
cuz air is hot!
it would be such a blessing to win a Macbook Air! I am trying my hands at a side gig from home, and need all the help I can get.
Happy new year all!
I want to create incredible interfaces and effects on the web with help power notebook. I’m usually in the ride and mobile notebook can help me to create in my ride and express my feel at the any moment.
We have a 9 yr old non verbal autistic child that could use the Mac to help use programs to hopefully communicate better with us. I have a home office as a web designer so I can help take care of our autistic child and I definitely could use the themes for potential clients.
I could really use the MacBook! Most all the kids I teach have iPads and myself do not own a Mac product. owning one would force me into learning how to better help them:)
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I’m an windows user and web developer.
It will be an amazing start to develop ios applications.
I want to win a MacBook Air, because it will help me to create a new dribbble, if I win we first send you an invitation.
Look how all the right tools only on OS X:
Sketch, Coda, Dash, Ember, Hazel, Framer Studio, ImageOptim, Automator and much more… Maybe I forgot something more.
Anyway OS X and Macbook Air this is the best instrument for designers and developers, as well as for the good people who have a goal, I have it and I’ll do it.
Thanks Codrops.
I would love to win the MacBook or the subscription as I use WordPress for my clients every day. I am a web designer, and use WordPress to enable my clients to make updates to their sites. I can perform the work daily on the MacBook, and use the subscription to make my client’s sites shine.
Thanks for doing this!
A Dream
I am always visit codrops website to learn a new things. Whenever I feel fuatrated or not have any new idea or need an inspiration about the design I just browse into their website. I am working so hard on UI learning. Recently I get MyThemeShop youtube link and started to learning WordPress. Because I have a hunger for learning. But when you have a twin brother and live with your parents and also have only one laptop, it was so much difficults to work hard. So I have a dream that whatever I am learning I am going to imply everything so that, I can earn some money and gift myself with a laptop or pc. That’s all I have in my mind.
I’m a front-end developer with a PC. But since I get tired of things too soon, I would like to try a Macbook, it would me really motivating for me and of course I can’t move around my PC and it has caused lots of problems for me.
I’d like to win MacBook Air to ease my web development needs.
“Powerful you have become, the Mac side I sense in you.” – Yoda
A Macbook air is just powerful enough to create some interesting websites with the MyThemeShop resources. Both are great tools for web design. Happy New Year Everyone!
I have a white MacBook … Need I say more?
I’d love a MacBook Air. We’ll use it in our family! Thanks.
I have a 10 Year old PCs that i work with every day. That should be a reason 🙂
I need something with a lot of power but as a student a new MacBook Air is not easily acquired.
I would love to win the 11″ Macbook. Been stuck on a PC since my old (all metal) Macbook finally deceased to live any longer (11+ yrs old). I have been working late at my work office to use my iMac. But would love to be able to work on macbook at home and be able to take with me on run to meet with freelance clients.
Good luck to everyone!!! 🙂
Yeah, I am loving Macs and MacOs and I need A MacBook in the near future to get it in order to my old Acer notebook and to complete my Apple Developement “Kit” (iMac, iPhone, iPad). With this MacBook Air, I can develop some really cool thinks either at home or from anywhere.
I’d like to win MacBook Air, because I’m a Java deloper and my dream is to learn Swift to develop my applications for iOS 🙂
I really really need a new laptop for me to work. Mine, is too old to use for development and also I’m a fan boy of Apple products. Please, let me win this prize 🙂
I would use Mac for daily work. I love coding and I need compact computer for my needs. Now I have gigantic Dell PC, which I bought for gaming 5 years ago, but now it’s not good for games and hell… I don’t play games anymore. I want to change it to compact, small and powerful machine.
I would love to win this because I have a six year old computer and have a small home business
I work at a university and troubleshoot site issues through different operating systems/browsers. Winning the MacBook Air would definitely help to have a spare computer handy for testing purposes. 🙂
I’d like to win MacBook Air, because I’m Web developer and for every developer need a good development environment so he or she can work smoothly which is Apple PC gave. I don’t say that other development environment is bad but I saw lot’s of developer recommend Apple PC for programming or development work. So it is my dream that I have an Apple PC.
I would love to work with a Macbook to develop awesome websites! Good luck everyone!
I would like to win the membership for my portfolio and because I just started with web design and branding and I desperately need a mac, I’m tired of using a crashing windows pc.