MyThemeShop Membership & MacBook Air Giveaway

Win an 11-inch MacBook Air, Premium WordPress Theme memberships and more great prices in this giveaway by MyThemeShop.

We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!

About MyThemeShop

When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.

Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.

The Prizes

Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:

  1. 11-inch MacBook Air worth $899

    • 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
    • Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
    • Intel HD Graphics 6000
    • 4GB memory
    • 128GB PCIe-based flash storage

    Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.

  2. 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
  3. 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
  4. 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
  5. 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total

How To Enter

To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:

  1. Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
  2. Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:

Good luck to everyone!

This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.

The Winners

We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:

Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!

Thank you all for participating!

The MacBook Air Winner

Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:


We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂

Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.


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  1. Hi, for Christmas gift I received a beautiful bag for laptop, but my current one is too large!

  2. Hi Tympanus,
    My laptop crashed and I can’t buy me a new one for the moment, so I participated in this contest hoping to be lucky for once.

    Best wishes for 2016 for all the team

  3. From Past three years codrops helped me a lot in connecting the dots. Thank You!

    As we all know Learning and Inspiration are key to success in Web Design World. This site and Macs always inspired me to try new thing and to do more and more amazing stuff. I definitely would like to have a MacBook Air to my Arsenal.

    Once again Thanks alot for such a nice giveaway and keep up this awesome work.
    “Stay Hungary Stay Foolish”

    • From Past three years codrops helped me a lot in connecting the dots. Thank You!

      As we all know Learning and Inspiration are key to success in Web Design World. This site and Macs always inspired me to try new things and to do more and more amazing stuff. I definitely would like to have a MacBook Air to my Arsenal.

      Once again Thanks alot for such a nice giveaway and keep up this awesome work.
      “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”

  4. Frequent user of Codrops in need of a new personal laptop as my current has been run into the ground!!

  5. I want to win a macbook air mainly because I’m having a back ache due to the weight of my current laptop that I’m using
    that I need to bring everyday at work and at home.
    And another reason is there’s a lot of apps that speeds up work. And I also want to dive into the world of mobile application development.

    Having a macbook air would be a huge help.

    Thanks and have a great day! 🙂
    Wishing you all the best!

  6. Why you should win the membership or MacBook Air?

    As a kid I’ve always wanted to have any kind of Mac product and now I still badly wanted to have one esp a mac book. I’m trying to save money so I can buy one. And having this laptop means having able to work anytime. I’m a entry level web designer and codrops has helped me a lot with the codings and techniques. Winning this would really be a great start for me to be better in this field.

  7. I would like to win the membership and Macbook Air combo because it would help me design and develop apps for businesses with a better machine than what I currently have, which is an Asus Q301LA, especially when working with Photoshop or Sketch, they look much better and appreciative on a Mac. Using this new piece of beautiful hardware will allow me to design and publish aesthetically pleasing UI’s. In addition, the MyThemeShop membership will help me, hopefully, get better results on search engines for my business my transferring my expensive website subscription to a WordPress site.

  8. I am an elementary teacher and at the same time, a blogger who uses MyThemeShop’s themes since I started blogging back in 2013 (I used Bloggie, one of their first themes). Since their start, MTS and their themes as well as their after sales support were and are still awesome. With regards to the MacBook Pro, it will be beneficial to me as a teacher. It’s very vital for me to have a laptop which I can easily carry wherever I go since I travel 12km a day to reach our school so having an 11-inch MacBook Pro would be of great help. It will also help me to bring technology to my pupils who are mostly unenlightened of the changes in technology around them. With the MacBook Pro and MyThemeShop, I can teach and blog at the same time.

  9. Hi !
    I always work with my computer, for my work, at school or either, and i need a solution more practical for travel and for my internship this summer.

  10. Once upon a time I had a very fast businessy laptop, optimised just the way I wanted it, perfectly honed to help me deliver my web projects. Then the baby became a toddler. And games happened. And Paw Patrol happened. And people unwrapping Kinder Eggs on Youtube happened. I now struggle to balance productive working life with keeping the world’s best smiler/loudest crier happy. Macbook Air you say? That could make me happy and make my daughter happy. As Santa will atest – I have been quite good this year…

  11. I’d love to win the MacBook Air cause I believe that it will increase my productivity as a blogger. I am already using MyThemeShop Schema theme on one of my blogs. It’d be awesome if I get the MyThemeShop membership.

  12. I’m a serious Mythemeshop fan. I do blogging for 3 years. But i’m earning from last year. After using mythemeshop theme, My blog’s page speed and bounce rate have been improved. I’ve plan to buy a new laptop. Because, If my only laptop got damaged, My blogging will be stopped for a month. Now, I see Mythemeshop will give Macbook air to a lucky winner. Definitely, I want to be that winner. This Macbook air will be great for me. I think it will help & inspire me a lot.

  13. I very much like functionality of the given subjects, almost not limited possibilities on adjustment and individuality of appearance, 5 of 5!

  14. I haven’t owned a laptop or notebook because I simply can’t afford to buy one right now, so that would be great. I would also like to win one of the MyThemeShop prizes because I love your products and rarely purchase anything else.

  15. I don’t know how to answer, why I should win this contest. Maybe because, I’m just another graduated serial entrepreneur who is failing back to back in each and every startup and need a supportive pat on the shoulder to get up once again.
    I think I just opened my heart above.

  16. I was a laptop guy looking for a new nice laptop. I couldn’t find one that I liked. After testing my friend’s MacBook I was instantly HOOKED and dreamed to have a MacBook, but MacBook is a luxurious laptop for me.

    Here’s what I admire about Steve Jobs: his vision to create an integrated computer between software and hardware. Because of this integration that allows users to directly use them without being complicated to install additional applications.

    Personally, I am a lazy person dealing with hardware that is not compatible with the software. So that the computer’s performance was often not optimal. This difficulty does not only occur on devices already installed Windows first, also occurs when using LINUX.

    This difficulty will never happen on the MacBook and Mac OS. Because the hardware and software are designed and built by the same company: Apple. So it will be more harmonious running. Performance of the hardware could be more optimal than other hardware with the operating system is less harmonious.

    Therefore, may not be excessive if a product made by Apple, in this case the MacBook, has cohesion plenary. The integration makes people comfortable to use. So they can use it from the beginning to have a new device without difficulty.

    I can’t wait MyThemeShop make my dream come true to have MacBook and I won’t stop using it.

  17. i’m studying dev in the univ, so money is a bit of a problem. i’m using my old laptop which is too slow and super heavy *lol
    so winning this amazing macbook air would litterally change my life.

  18. I’m a freelancer. I’m using an old laptop for work. I hope I can change with this new laptop & use theme from MyThemeShop for my clients. Thank you very much.

  19. I would like to win this because I want to take notes in my university and it will be my next best friend for 4 years 😀

  20. So Here’s why a MacBook Air would help me.First of all, I am student-turned Programmer, 15 Years of age, From Allahabad, India.I want a MacBook because I have always been curious about Swift and Objective-C and Mac Book would help me a lot to gain these skill.Next, I want a MacBook because I want to share what I know.Here, In India, Still, There is a lot of Poverty and illiteracy around here.I think I can pair up with my New Mac to Teach people Programming.Because, Yes, I also believe that Programming is the best tool for mankind.And what if Everyone plays games and nobody tries to make it.One day, Our Earth will doom without Developers.I think that with increased productivity that Mac will offer me, I will be able to get a chance to teach people about the PROs of Programming.I want a place where everyone on this Earth knows what programming(which still as a goal is far to reach).One day a Person from India could come and say, Hey, Give me Internet, I want to blog on WordPress with a theme from MyThemeShop.Or one from Africa could come and say, I want to read some tricky CSS articles from Codrops.And I think MacBook will offer me enough productivity to do so.And a Membership from MyThemeShop will be wonderful because I always wanted to use those candy-flossing themes.Thanks for reading till the end.Please I want these two things as eager as my life.

  21. Hi!

    I would love to win the MacBook Air because i can work it with my website design at anywhere anytime i wish to . It would be my first apple product if i could able to win one !

  22. Hi, I am a Professional Web Designer, If I had a chance to win MacBook Air it will be very handy & helpful for me to do freelance work & other projects in more efficient & fast way.

  23. I´m working as a freelancer and lost one of my big clients, who gave me my working machine ( Macbook Pro). I had to give it back, now I am without any machine and nearly to loose all my clients. The Macbook will help me to get my jobs done.

  24. I would love to win the MacBook Air to replace my fiance’s PC laptop which is very slow and I would be able to use the subscription to use some great themes on my blog and replace the one that is an old version that I am using right now.

  25. It would help me a lot if I won the MacBook Air. I’m struggling to get out of my boring job and start new projects that could help be get out of this runt and do better for myself. I’m an amateur web designer and developer and hope I can make something out of this. Either of the prizes would help me a lot, but as everyone here, the 1st prize is the most useful and fulfilling. Thank you for giving me the change to participate. I personally hope you all have a great new year, filled with accomplishments and joy.

  26. I would be happy to win anything from MyThemeShop, cause all the things from you guys is like first piece of cake, make me special in many ways 🙂 MacBookAir would be like Cherry on top and those things are really helping hand in every day work.

  27. I actually fell in love with MyThemeShop after using Elegant Themes and various others so much that I actually force all my clients to buy a MyThemeShop theme before I work with them (I like my clients to be able to make minor site edits in house BUT most importantly I don’t want to fight with whatever their current mess of a WordPress site is). The speed is awesome on the MyThemeShop Themes but the ease of use is my favorite part. When I meet with clients initially I demo MyThemeShop themes on my laptop (usually in a coffee shop of sorts) so having a small portable Macbook air would allow me to let the client play with and demo the themes while I set up the presentation on my actual work laptop.

    Love the contest you are doing and keep up the awesome work on the themes! P.S. loving the Schema update

  28. I’d like to win the MacBook. It’s really nice and as a frontend developer its always nice to have a notebook for mobile working and presenting. A membership would be also nice for customer projects. PS: I love Codrops 😉

  29. I would love to win the membership for MyThemeShop as I am starting a business and currently looking into website development, money is tight and it would help me immensely to be able to take that expense off my list.

    The laptop would be super helpful, regarding my current work as a graphic designer and would be a fantastic upgrade from the older iMac that I have at home.

  30. I am working with clients and I am Digital Strategist ? Social Media Marketing Expert ? Content Writer ? Graphic designer ?. I love MythemShop. So one MacBook Air will help me when I am consulting. So I can consult in style :P. With that I can tell even better stories about mythemshop and how great this company is. I love to tell my clients how great services mythemshop have. Also I really love to make example what good company do on web. And I love to tell about MyThemShop and how they work in custom service and marketing. Happy new year to all. Have fun and good luck :). We are one big fammily. Best, Aleks

  31. Hey guys,

    First of all thanks a lot for your awesome work. You are a really inspiration for me!

    I would like to win the MacBook, I have to travel often lately and would work like to work during my travels. I’am a freelance (web) designer and for that every minute counts, in which I could make something. A MacBook Air would be ideal for that because it is small and portable and the high-quality workmanship is wonderful. I wish myself one for a long time, but unfortunately I can not afford it for now. Maybe there is indeed a belated Christmas.

    Cheers from Germany

  32. I’ve already bought two plugins from MyThemeShop and I’d love to have access to them all plus their themes. Also a Macbook wouldn’t hurt. Please pick me!

  33. Hi! Codrops and MyThemeShop for this great opportunity,

    if I win the Macbook Air, this could be my dream will become true.
    I am Gerald Agustin from Philippines a student and future Web designer. it will help me in studies and in mocking up a web design and developing a website, It would be great tool to have this laptop even if I dont have one.
    Thank you:)

  34. If I were to win this laptop, this would open a whole new world of possibilities to design web pages and run programs with higher efficiency than my laptop which broke no more than two weeks ago! If I won this, I’d be honored!

  35. My current laptop is 6 years old and needs to be turned in. It is starting to lag and can barely keep up with all the changes in the modern web. A new laptop would be a lifesaver and really help me improve in my design and development capabilities.

  36. Hi! I am a Web designer and developer from Belgrade, Serbia.
    Thank you for your awesome tutorials, freebies, blueprints and collectives, I use them a lot and they helped me in my journey in becoming a Web designer.
    MTS Membership sounds cool, but MacBook Air sounds much cooler! It would definitely boost up my productivity and workflow (not to mention boost of my happiness), and it will allow me to use some new software and enhance my design (yeah, I mean Sketch).
    Thanks again for this great giveaway, good lucky to you all. 🙂

  37. My PC computer is dying and I really need a replacement. Would be great to get a laptop so I can develop on-the-go.

  38. The portability and versatility of the small Macbook Air is fantastic, it would be a huge plus for me as I’m on the move all the time! Also, MyThemeshop’s work is amazing, their themes and plugins are up to any modern standard and great to work with, so I’d appreciate a free membership very much!

  39. As a frontend developer and enthusiast, I always wanted to buy a MacBook, but its price was a huge drawback for me, so I still suck ass on my Ubuntu.

    To me, Mac is the ultimate tool for modern frontend development. With it, I could be a hipster slurping coffee in Starbucks while coding [insertEnglishWord].js.

    MacBook Air is so thin, I could cut my bread with it. This is great because currently I don’t have a bread knife.

    And after work, I can play table tennis with friends.

  40. I would love to win MacBook Air. I would use it for college beacuase it is really light and portable, but it’s a dragon under the chassis. It would help me a lot since I just started college.

  41. As a student, learning about graphic design and coding, this laptop would be a beneficial addition to my daily workflow. Many people have much more interesting and complicated stories about how they’re going to use it, but that’s really mine. Very lackluster in comparison, but I’d be so graceful if you helped out this poor college student! Thanks!

  42. Codrops -> Awesome, MyThemeShop -> Awesome again, Mac Book Air -> Awesomest. :p

    Really, I think every developer is completed with a Mac. And I am not complete yet.

  43. I’m currently using theme and plugin from mythemeshop. If I win, I think it help me more experience in the world.

  44. mythemeshop is an excellent theme shop, i knew them from day 1 and best thing about their themes are SEO friendly and neat code.

    Macairbook, why i need? i am graphic designer. i need to work on projects. Right now, i dont have much budget to purchase. if i can win, it would help me in my projects

    thanks , good luck to all of them!