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In this giveaway you can win one of three Startup Design Frameworks by Designmodo, worth $249 each.
About the framework
The Startup Design Framework contains components and complex blocks which can be applied to almost any design. All of these components are made in the same style, and can easily be integrated into projects, allowing you to create hundreds of solutions for your future projects without investing too much time.
The framework was created with responsiveness in mind so you can create websites with full mobile support. Components and blocks are fixed to the common and popular 12 Grid system and all the assets are Retina-ready.
The most important part of the Startup Framework is the samples. The samples form a set of 25 usable pages can be used “as is” or you can simply add new blocks from the rich UI Kit. By choosing one of the 25 configurations of the future startup, the process of creation is simple and easy.
Check out this video presentation:
Startup Framework: Suit up your startup! from Designmodo on Vimeo.
Take a look at some screenshots and images:
You can start testing the framework with this great demo which includes some samples and components from the full version:
Demo Version of Startup Framework
The Prize
You can win one of three Startup Design Frameworks by Designmodo, worth $249 each (PSD + HTML Full Version, Commercial License). The total giveaway price is $747.
How to enter
All you have to do for a chance to win is:
- Leave a comment below and tell us why you’d like to get the Startup Design Framework.
- Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use this tweet button:
Good luck!
This giveaway ended on January 24, 2014 at 10 p.m. GMT+0.
Winners will be announced shortly!
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
Congratulations, you will be contacted shortly.
Thank you all for participating!
That is brilliant framework and I need to win because I bet my girlfriend that when I win she give me something. If you know what i mean ;P
I absolutely love this framework and it’s design values. I’d make a good use of it in my future projects 🙂
For a future project it’ll be great
I am at a stage where I am designing/developing more than 2 sites at once and the framework will ease my workload a lot! In addition to that, I don’t have to worry about the site I build looking bad because this one good looking framework.
Because i found this very useful for my future and actual projects and because they are so F***G AWESOME! 😀
I would like to use it for a project my group has to do for evening school, but there is no budget to buy it.
We are programming a web-application for school members where they can share files, tests and much more.
Just launching a new company with a really cool product in the real estate sector and it would be awesome to get the website done quickly. This Framework definitly should help
My tweet :
Because you love to help passionate students and they love when you do!
I would love it!
I like to get a Startup Design Framework for me to use this on my projects. To be able to learn this new framework and set it as my standards in creating websites and for the future purposes.
I’m a starting freelancer and i could use it to speed up the building process. And it’s awesome, of course 🙂
I think this would totally change the way I can offer design to people.
This beauty will help a lot in the immersive process of creation.
I like how the things in this framework are structure and how easy is to build an amazing website even with just the demo version. I will definitely use the framework in all of my future projects and I would like to wish great success to the guys behind the scene.
I would love to have this framework for my startup. I’m a student and cannot really afford to hire designers for my startup, so this would really help me out in that sense. Plus I think this framework is just something else.
I will use it for my project, because I’m not a designer
Because I like it.. and I would love to have it for my works..
This is unique!. clean and classy. and a must have tool for every designer.
My startup website needs a lot of design help. I think the Startup Framework would help me out a lot!
It would save me a lot of time, focusing on design, and not on standards, checklists and unexpected issues that always surface only after you have stepped too deep into the process.
Because, just because.
Because I like this framework…
Timing is just perfect!
It seems to be a good framework
I love to get this frame work as this is not just another frame work. but looks interesting and easily customizable.
Because everyone should have an oportunity to model and create their own projects and this Startup Design Framework helps a lot when you have nothing than your own effort, being a good beginning to create fast and beautiful websites with a limited budget. That is the purpose of a “Startup”.
Personally, I’m currently starting to develop a web application for nightlife and this framework will give me the first push to dedicate my time to improve other aspects of the webapp rather than doing an awesome interface, because it’s already done.
My tweet: https://twitter.com/angeIdav/status/424148990951575552
Because it’s a interesting tool for creating amazing websites!
This is a great idea, because it has visually apealing building blocks (even as a stratup) which are easy to reuse. I just watched the promo video and I noticed the blocks printed on paper, LEGO for websites, how cool is that :-). Just imagine if we present ideas to our clients this way(phisicaly push things arround), they would immediatly understand how their site works before we touch any code. When agreed on a layout we can code it in a short time and they can see the printed building blocks coming alive on the screen. I do belive that this is one of the most powerfull way to explain to our clients how web works and how their website would interract with the visitor.
I am sure this framework would really help me get projects moving forward faster, shrink the communication gap between me(designer) and the client thus saving time, energy and money. I would love to get my hands on one copy 🙂
You guys are really awesome. Excellent research work and good outcome. Really love to use the Framework.
This looks amazing. I would love to use it for my projects.
I’d like to win this Startup Design. I’m currently working as a developer on some websites and the Startup Design would help me a lot on the design-aspect of the projects. Greetings & keep on coding/designing, awesome job!
It seems to good to be true, but if it isn’t, then I really really would like to have it in my possession!
Minimize the time spenr on design
Wow, such an interesting kit !
It’s perfect. Simple and clean.
I need it because I loved it, and because I want to be more creatif while using some parts of it in my next projects !
As a web developers, make use of framework which will reducing our development process and time….and i have been looking for other framework which is like “Startup Design Framework” which provided us a very efficient way to create website without spending much time for it.. The interface is clean and nice!!! i would like to say this is gonna be the most awesome framework that i have ever seen 🙂
My tweet:
it makes website designing and developing easy and simple to make….. and with designs like make customers happy
I would love to have this framework to be more productive.
I’d like to use that for my future projects. That will make my life easier!
We are a non-profit design agency in Bucharest, Romania. All proceeds from our work are reinvested into other NGOs and our own anti-trafficking work. We would use the framework for our own prevention activities and also for partnerships on our design for good work.
I’m brewing on several start-up projects and the startup design framework would help me immensely. It’s absolutely top notch!
SDF? Are you kiddin’ me? I want this framework! Why? Because it would be a huge step forward in the design and development process!
Because it looks plain awesome!
I am web developer so I will use this framework to create interactive websites with amazing styles and effects.
i want this because of reasons!
Using this framework I’m sure that will help me to perfectly convey the values that stand behind my product and better communicate concepts.
I would love to use this framework for my upcoming webdesign projects. It would save me a lot of time.
This is very clean & minimalist, just the way I love the design.
I love this project ! Amazing ! <3
Well, it looks amazing, it has everything in a landing page and it is well done. Great job from the guys of design modo!
i am an Accountant who is impressed by the Web and started to fall in love with codrops and html
wid love to codrops from Accountant
Because I need to evaluate it!