Fluid CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect
In this tutorial we will create a slideshow with a parallax effect using several CSS3 properties. The idea is to move the background positions of two backgrounds while sliding the container of the slides.
In this tutorial we will create a slideshow with a parallax effect using several CSS3 properties. The idea is to move the background positions of two backgrounds while sliding the container of the slides.
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Win one of 5 lifetime subscriptions plus a free domain from the online website builder IM Creator
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Win one of 15 theme lifetime licenses with free setup and installation from FlareThemes.
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Type effects – from bolding, italics, tilting, strokes and underlines – can make or break the typography on your site. Using type effects in moderation is the key.
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Today we’ll share an audio slideshow with you, i.e. a slideshow that will be synced with some audio. We are using the open source audio framework jPlayer.
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Using CSS Animations we will change or rotate some parts of a sentence.
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In this tutorial we are going to implement some simple CSS3 content tabs using radio buttons together with the :checked pseudo-class and sibling combinators.
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Pay attention to alignment, contrast, type effects and color because these items can make or break your website design.
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How to create a direction-aware hover effect using CSS3 and jQuery. The idea is to slide in an overlay from the direction we are moving with the mouse.
In Tutorials by Manoela Ilic
Today we will create a slideshow using jmpress.js. The jQuery plugin that is based on impress.js will allow us to use some interesting 3D effects for the slides.
In Articles by Carrie Cousins
Color can evoke a wide-range of responses and it is important to understand the effect a hue can have on your message when planning a design project.
In Tutorials by Manoela Ilic
In this tutorial we’ll create a horizontal website layout with individually scrollable content panels. We’ll change the layout for smaller screens, making it responsive.