jBookMark: A jQuery Marking Tool

Ever missed the bookmarking option of a good editor in a web site? This jQuery plugin does exactly that: if you want your website visitors to be able to toggle […]

Ever missed the bookmarking option of a good editor in a web site? This jQuery plugin does exactly that: if you want your website visitors to be able to toggle bookmarks in your pages that are loaded with a lot of content then you can simply insert this script.

The user can add bookmarks (mouse clicked + B) and then step through them (N). Everytime you create a bookmark it will be displayed on the left side of the page. They get removed by either clicking on them or pressing D (all get removed). Pressing Shift+N allows to step through them backwards.

You can call the plugin like this:

And you can configure the following properties:

  • color: the highlight color of the current bookmark
  • maximum: the maximum number of bookmarks allowed


Cody loves jQuery - he puts the magic into every web application. He is crazy about Curry dishes.

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  1. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  2. will this pluggin allow you to bookmark multiple pages on the same site?

    Im using shtml pages with a common header and footer.

  3. I have patched the JS a little bit, so the user can configure the path the bookmark.png is located. Let me know if you wish to receive the patched version. It’s really simple, anyway:

    $.fn.bookmark.defaults = {
    color : ‘#1111FF’,
    maximum : 10,
    imgpath : ”


  4. Unfortunately, the source code I posted above was scrambled. 🙁 Please contact me if you’d like to receive the JS by mail. Thank you.