jCapSlide: A jQuery Image Caption Plugin

Here is a new plugin for creating nice sliding captions for images. When hovering over the image, the caption appears and the image gets a semi-transparent color overlay. You can […]

Here is a new plugin for creating nice sliding captions for images. When hovering over the image, the caption appears and the image gets a semi-transparent color overlay.

You can call the plugin the following way:


You can configure the plugin with the following properties:

  1. caption_color: The text color of the caption
  2. caption_bgcolor: The background color of the caption
  3. overlay_bgcolor: The overlay color (tint color)
  4. border: e.g. ‘2px solid #00000’ for a black border, leave empty for no border /li>
  5. showcaption: Boolean value to show or hide the title of the caption initially

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Cody loves jQuery - he puts the magic into every web application. He is crazy about Curry dishes.

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  1. Hi,
    Great plugin! I have a question…. how can I add some character encoding support other than English, for example Persian?