From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!
About MyThemeShop
When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.
Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.
The Prizes
Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:
11-inch MacBook Air worth $899
- 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
- Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
- Intel HD Graphics 6000
- 4GB memory
- 128GB PCIe-based flash storage
Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.
- 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
- 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total
How To Enter
To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:
- Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
- Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:
Good luck to everyone!
This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
- 11-inch MacBook Air:
- Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year:
- Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year:
- Premium WordPress themes:
- Premium WordPress plugins:
Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!
Thank you all for participating!
The MacBook Air Winner
Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:
We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂
Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.
Hello from Australia ! Firstly I want to say thanks for this opportunity to win these amazing prizes. My Dad owns and runs a small business and he does all of his transactions by hand. As you can imagine, this requires a lot of time and effort and I think a MacBook Air would really really help him out with electronically keeping track of business. And also the mythemeshop membership prizes would really assist with making a website for my Dads business.Thanks again.
– Daide
I have a HP laptop and it was getting slower n slower because of windows, so I manage to install OSX on it, now I know why everyone loves mac so much. there are many thing missing since its a hackintosh.
I would love to win this, it will be my dream come true.
Thanks for showing great and innovative ways to do things in front end, love your blog.
My computers are sooo 2009! Need to get with the Macbook Air program!
new site, just got up. just waiting on products to add. i use schema for the load times, if i get this macbook i will use it to build my other websites using mythemeshop themes. i will even make a video on youtube about the amazing themes mythemeshop has to offer using the macbook! <3
My laptop is currently duct-taped together, and although the tape is a lively color, it’s sort of a sad looking machine that won’t last long. So … yeah. A new Macbook Air would be spectacular!
I want macbook so that I can test all the themes on a Mac.
much needed for my blog. :p
Hello there,
Thanks for conducting such a great giveaway. I am a web blogger from Afghanistan, I have less facilities here for blogging but am doing my work awesome. I would be happy if I win this contest. 🙂
Good Luck Guys 🙂
I’m a broke college CS major who lugs around an ancient, 6 pound machine to lecture halls illuminated by the proprietary white apple. This prize, opening up new opportunities in app development and design, would go a long way in helping me with my day to day situation and in putting me on equal footing among my peers.
I want a MacBook air because I have no girlfriend to bug me being on the computer for hours on end 😉
I need this macbook that eh never used one and I would like to be part of aple, benidiciones for all his team !!
Winning this MacBook would be a dream come true. I’ve never won anything like this, and would use it to further create physical education content on my website, and to further my design skills. Thanks for having the giveaway!
I would like to win the MacBook for my freelance work and managing my blog. My current Lenovo has broken down on me many times.
I need this MacBook to have a real sense of creativity 🙂
My laptop is out of date and I could really use a new one
I would like to get Extended Membership of MyThemeShop because I plan to do more web site projects and I love MyThemeasShop’s themes too. If there is an opportunity to get MacBook Air that will be great. let see my luck…
Hi, I’m a student and i like build blogs, or something in the web, just help other with tutorials in youtube and good articles, projects with Bitcoin etc.
I have 3 years with the same computer its a HP 455 and it is very slow, the MacBook will help me to finish my carreer and do more websites, i want to learn to build wordpress themes and plugins for Joomla and WordPress but my actual netbook not let me grow as I want. and obviously I do not have the resources to buy a new
I hope that I win something, as we say in Mexico “a caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo” jajaja
THanks for the opportunity
I will prefer the theme.using a great theme with well designed and well optimize for search engine will be a good idea to earn money online.with that I can buy mac of my choice.
As a UI and web designer i don’t have my own gear (just my office inventory macbook). If I win, this will be the most beautiful gift in 2016 for me.
Hello, I am A Young Blogger from Africa getting a laptop is very Difficult for me as I have no means of earning. If this Laptop is given to me I would start using it to blog rather than my Android device which is too slow.
Why I should win the Macbook Air you ask? For GAMING of course.
Being a hardcore balls to the wall gamer that I am, that 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor would be perfect to run Fallout 4 smoother than a baby’s bottom. If 1.6GHz is not enough, I can Turbo Boost it up to 2.7GHz. That is just INSANE!!!
With the Intel HD Graphics 6000, I can finally play games on MAXIMUM graphic settings no problem. Just imagine being to see all the wrinkles on my characters face down to the last pore. That would be so awesome. This would blow even the GTX 980Ti out of the water.
Furthermore this baby comes with not 1GB, not 2GB but 4GB of memory. OMG that’s a buttload. (I don’t know why they skipped 3 but whatever). No more memory bottleneck for me 🙂
Also the 128GB PCIe-based flash storage is OK I guess… makes things load faster I think… meh whatevs.
But just imagine, If I had this macbook air I could finally become a professional game streamer, get millions of fans (and chicks), get paid millions and play games for a living. Step aside PewDiePie, there’s a new kid in town and I come to kick butt.
P.S: I’m an indie game/app developer and a tutor on the side. I run a few small websites and just getting into the internet business niche. I’ve always contemplated getting a mac for work purposes but the price tag is just too much (I live in Malaysia and $899 is about MYR3894. At that price it could easily feed a family of 4 for months here). Having a mac would help me get into the iphone app development. Not to mention the ability to dual boot OSX and Windows would mean I just have to carry one super light laptop instead of two.
I want one! 😀
To win is both an honor and responsibility. I’ll be able to use the MacBook Air or the membership to continue improving my craft in blogging and web design. Happy New Year!
Why I should win the MacBook Air?
I really want to get into video and become a youtuber. Unfortunatelly my PC is old and I just don’t have the power to really edit the videos. That makes it really hard to create awesome stuff that people want to watch. I think a MacBook would fix that problem 🙂
My dream is to work at the beach…and I will do it with an Macbook Air 🙂
I need a mac because it so hard to build and create websites without decent computer. there so many things that I want to do but my computer cant make it. please help me to reach the peak of my talent.
I don’t actually need MacBook Air since I already have MacBook Pro 13″ Mid-2012 – however, it would be a great little machine for my wife who is a teacher. She could write notes for the school tests etc.
I have been a long time admirer of your themes that I have bought a few themes to suit some of the websites I hosted. I have been without a usable laptop for at least 3 years until I decided to get a laptop just recently. I realized that I would feel comfortable getting a MacBook Air for my continuous work. Another thing is with the MacBook Air I could finally write those iOS App and finally publish it.
Thanks a lot for this opportunity.
As a front-end developer I’m in great need of a stable development environment, and a fresh new MacBook Air would be the perfect choice!
If I get either the Mac book or Premium Mythemeshop membership, then that will be the best memory for this year. I am desperately in need of Premium theme membership as I am a web designer and I love to help myself to have a lifetime support from MTS to my themes as well as my clients. Also, I am net savvy and hardcore social media person and I spent my 18 hours on my PC/internet…If I am lucky to get Macbook, I will be very happy to finish most of my works even in travel and when I leave home…
A MacBook is just what we need. Having used mythemeshop themes for educational purposes for groups of youth, teaching webdesign. As ngo charity , any contribution can make a huge difference.
With a MacAir you can write everywhere.
I’d be very happy about all of these awesome wins.
(PS: Here you can check out my site)
It could halpe me to use the MacBook Air for quick editing photos when I went on a photo tour through the mountains
When i think about who i am and what i want to become i only lack one thing. The proper tools to do it. I started playing with blogging, very amatour photography and videos for my texts i thought everything can be done. Now i know that the hardware i’m using is all kinds of wrong. And so i need this MacBook Air to feel the fresh air of inspiration in my life and in my job.
I’m not a mac user and I’m a Web designer, want to try something new this new year 🙂
I have a web development business and winning mythemeshop membership means so much to my business as that will save me a good amount of money which i can in return use to boost up the business.
As for the MAC i would really appreciate if i won it as that would in turn help me boost my confidence level, and also help in good presentation to my clients.
Having my fingers crossed on this one.
Hmm why? I mean no one deserves a free macbook because we have to earn it like you did. Most people will argue that you need a macbook to earn one, not true but ok. So if I get random picked thank you. I would like (love) one, only reason!
I have a new job and I need a laptop for web development.
First of all, thank you for this opportunity. This is a great opportunity for people like me who are starting to work online for a living but doesn’t have ready cash on hand to buy one. I hope you would choose me as a the recipient of the free MacBook. I will use it as I start developing my first site as I’m trying affiliate marketing and other online works for a living. It would really be a great help for me.
More power to your business and God bless! 🙂
I think Macbook and mythemes Shop should be the best companion ! I would love to have it !
I really need a new laptop, because my current one is about to break down, however I can’t afford to buy one.
Hi Tympanus.net,
Firstly, thank you for this amazing opportunity. Winning a membership or the MacBook Air would be of great benefit to my work/career. As a front-end developer, I am constantly searching for and experimenting with exciting new technologies and I must add, what an amazing website this is, I regularly visit for inspiration, so just… thank you (thumbs up!). Therefore, allowing me the tools to practice would be truly incredible.
I have been learning Swift and Objective C on a Virtual Machine
Thanks for the giveaway
I love Mac computers. As I work in graphic and web design, I’d really appreciate to win this fantastic prize.
Best wishes for the new year to everybody!!!
I want to win the first prize , A Mac Book, because for two reasons mainly.
1. I already have a premium membership (all themes) for one year,
2. I am an avid gamer and will like to play games on Mac book.
There are some more reasons too,
3. Mac book is damn costly, I would never buy it so getting it for free would be amazing,
4. I dont think I will need a premium membership account any more after I have downloaded all the themes with the premium account I have now, so an extended is not required.
Thats all.. I really hope my comment gets seen among the 550 comments here..
I believe in creating magic through technology. While the means to it through other operating systems are satisfactory I am sure that peaking into a Mac world would open another dimension for exploring many more options for my startups in 2016. Imagination rules the world and as we progress through 21st century, it is going to become more pronounced in its infinite expressions.
My blog update frequency is suffering a lot since I travel a lot for work. Getting the MacBook would be a nice way of reviving it! 😉 Thanks for the giveaway… and for the cool WP themes and plugins!!!
Awesome giveaway!
I am new blogger from India. I love MyThemeShop!!
You asked Why I love MyThemeShop?
Because MyThemeShop is the one that helped me create my identity online of course with a free theme and You will be able to create a stunning looking blog without any coding skills. This is what I love about MyThemeShop.
I want an MyThemeShop Membership. Because I think it will make my blogging journey easier.
If i will get MyThemeShop Membership. That day is my happiest day in my life.
Hope I will win this contest 🙂
Thanks a lot.
I´ve been using WordPress and Macs for so many years – Now I even breathe Air…
Would be so grateful to win this as this would benefit both myself and my wife as our laptop just died three weeks ago and money is tight. My wife is a school teacher and I work as a UX Designer.
Hello everyone, greetings from India.
I am very excited as you’ve started giveaways again. 🙂 Awesome.
I want to win the macbook air just because I never used an OSX before and then I could donate my old laptop to a passionate programmer kid in my street. Thanks 😀