Building a Playful Stop-Motion Crayon Cursor in p5.js
In Tutorials, by Jorge Toloza
Create a playful stop-motion crayon cursor effect with p5.brush.js and smooth animations.
In Tutorials, by Jorge Toloza
Create a playful stop-motion crayon cursor effect with p5.brush.js and smooth animations.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
A fun gooey cursor background effect with SVG filters and CSS blend modes.
In Playground, by Marlène Bruhat
Several interactive cursor effects made with JavaScript and SVG.
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
A quick tutorial on how to craft a fullscreen SVG crosshair mouse cursor with a special distortion hover effect.
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
Some ideas for interactive custom cursor animations using SVG filters.
In Tutorials, by Stefan Kaltenegger
A collection of five demos and a tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigations, galleries and carousels.