The Collective Newsletter

Are you a coder who wants to get into design or a designer who wants to learn how to code? Then you'll love our mix of relevant, fresh & creative content!

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Since 2012, the Collective has been a go-to resource for all things frontend and web design, pumping out 800+ editions packed with the freshest news, design trends, and web dev goodies.

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Past Issues

Our digests are published one week after sending out each newsletter.
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Collective #562

Lesser Known Coding Fonts * Full Stack Authentication * Neural Synesthesia * Glaze * Free for devs

Collective #561

Overview * Mobile-first animation * pack-spheres * Spectrum * History of grids * CLARO

Collective #560

The IndieWeb Movement * Plexis.js * Firefox 70 * Awesome Design Plugins * RegexGuide

Collective #559

Zero * ECSY * The problem with dropdown fields * Webwide * Gridsome * CoBeats * Faster Layouts with CSS Grid (and Subgrid!)

Collective #558

The Freelance Life * Spars * CSS Circles * The World-Wide Work * Open Doodles * Laying out Forms using Subgrid

Collective #557

Design System Playground * roughViz * GitSheet * How to design delightful dark themes * Able

Collective #556

Cascading Cache Invalidation * Top-level await * Introducing Sass Modules * cursorOS

Collective #555

Guided by style * Adaptive Photo Layout with Flexbox * Screen Size Map * Raw WebAssembly Demos * Imagededup