Bi-Weekly Frontend News

Collective #760

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Chrome ships WebGPU

The Chrome team has announced the release of WebGPU, a new graphics API for the web that offers access to more advanced GPU features and provides first-class support for general computations on the GPU. After six years of development, this initial release of WebGPU is available on ChromeOS, macOS, and Windows with support for other platforms coming later this year. Read more about it in this thread by Corentin Wallez.

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AgentGPT allows you to configure and deploy Autonomous AI agents. Name your own custom AI and have it embark on any goal imaginable. It will attempt to reach the goal by thinking of tasks to do, executing them, and learning from the results.

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A README Template

Matthias Ott has created a README template for projects that can be modified depending on the required sections for the project, and also suggests the usage of the DocToc package to automatically generate a table of contents.

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Simple colorful logging in Node.js

This article by Stanko introduces a simple way to output information to the console in different colors in Node.js, using ANSI escape codes. The script is provided, allowing users to log things in color by using the commands.

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Codeberg is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a secure and welcoming home for the open-source code that powers our world, ensuring that free code remains free and secure in perpetuity.

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Using the Cookie Store API

Raymond Camden introduces the Cookie Store API, a new asynchronous web API designed for reading, writing, and deleting cookies in a modern way, and provides examples of how to use its methods.

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Semaphore is a project that uses OpenCV and MediaPipe's Pose detection to detect body landmarks from video input and translate them into keys and commands sent via keyboard. It allows users to "type" letters, digits, and symbols via flag semaphore by extending both arms at various angles.

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Bored Reading

A website designed for pro-users, artists, engineers, and anyone looking for a functional, simple, and personality-filled way to browse the internet without the need to log in or deal with annoying distractions, with the option to send feature requests or add favorite blogs to the site.

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Lucia is a user and session management library that offers a flexible and straightforward abstraction layer between your application and your database, providing an effortless and comprehensible experience.

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Deck of Cards

An updated verison of Deck of Cards, a playing cards platform, where you can play single and multiplayer card games for free.

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Anderson Mancini Website Hero

Anderson Mancini is sharing the code for his website hero which was surprisingly made without using 3D elements in Three.js, but rather a simple plane with a normal/displacement texture and lights that follow mouse movements.

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Tabby: Self-hosted AI coding assistant

Tabby is a self-hosted AI coding assistant, currently in alpha phase, which provides an open-source/on-prem alternative to GitHub Copilot, featuring a self-contained architecture with a web UI for configuration, OpenAPI interface, and support for consumer-level GPUs.

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A platform that allows self-learners to connect with each other based on their location, age, and interests, and set up Coursemate groups to collaborate on online courses.

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