Collective #757

Inspirational Website of the Week: Decimal.
Decimal is a sharp website with a brutalist intro and visually stunning hover effects in their Works section, making it our inspirational website of the week.
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Which are the biggest productivity hurdles you encounter daily?
Maximize your productivity as a developer and help shape the industry’s future - participate in the Developer Productivity survey today to win amazon gift cards and other prizes worth over $200. Share your insights on the tools, processes, and habits that help you get more done in less time.
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The End of Front-End Development
Josh W Comeau's article discusses the increasing capabilities of large language models like GPT-4 and offers a more optimistic perspective on how they will impact the future of software development.
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Scrutch is a writing editor that prioritizes privacy, without sacrificing functionality or convenience, allowing you to write without registering an account or compromising your security, and offering offline editing capabilities and PWA support for mobile devices. Made by André Simmert.
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When is :focus-visible visible?
Ire Aderinokun explains when the :focus-visible CSS pseudo-class should be used to indicate focus on an element in order to balance aesthetics and accessibility.
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Laying Out a Print Book With CSS
The author Ian G McDowell details his experience of laying out his debut technothriller book using CSS instead of using professional software, and while this approach is not recommended, he was able to achieve the desired formatting of a traditional print book using only HTML, CSS, and a little weasy black magic.
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Introducing is a new website launched by the React team that serves as the new home for React and its documentation. The site teaches modern React with function components and Hooks, and includes diagrams, illustrations, challenges, and over 600 new interactive examples.
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Transformers.js provides access to machine learning models, particularly those used for natural language and visual processing, through the browser, with some amazing demos showcasing their capabilities.
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6 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2023
Adam Argyle lists six modern CSS snippets that are super useful for front-end developers, including container queries, scroll snap, grid pile, quick circle, cascade layers, and logical properties.
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ThumbHash: A very compact representation of an image placeholder
The article introduces ThumbHash, a new image representation algorithm that encodes more detail in the same space and is faster to encode and decode than BlurHash.
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Prompt Engineering
An in-depth article about prompt engineering, including various techniques and tips for effective prompting in language models, as well as automatic prompt design.
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What does this code do?
This is a really useful tool that uses ChatGPT under the hood to explain any piece of code you don't understand.
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Carl from Creative Coding Club shows how to make SVG goo, specifically how to make some gooey objects draggable with GreenSocks' Draggable.
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And to continue with our previous find: burocratik reached out to Carl after his video to share this goo tool which they use on the Flecto website. Read the tweet about it.
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Large language models are having their Stable Diffusion moment
The article discusses the recent development of open-source large language models, such as Facebook's LLaMA, that can be run on personal hardware and their potential impact on society. Also check out Dalai, that let's you run LLaMA and Alpaca on your computer.
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A new split text class that is accessible and supports nested tags. Made by Paul Langton.
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Three.js Shaders (GLSL) Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
A video that provides a crash course on shaders using Three.js, covering topics such as GLSL language, vertex shader, fragment shader, and useful GLSL functions.
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All commands
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
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Awesome Demos Roundup #24
A collection of creative code experiments from the past couple of weeks.
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Cyberpunk inspired Three.js Scene with JavaScript and Blender
Learn how to code a vibrant Cyberpunk scene using Three.js, complete with post-processing and dynamic lighting, no shader expertise needed!
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Divi Anniversary Sale with 20% to 50% off
Elegant Themes is kicking off their Divi Anniversary Sale today, and we couldn't be more excited to share this fantastic opportunity with you! For two weeks only, until March 28th, you can enjoy their biggest discounts of the year, ranging from 20% to 50% off across the entire Divi ecosystem. Don't miss out on this rare chance to get your hands on the powerful Divi builder.
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