Collective #754

Inspirational Website of the Week: ContraBureau
This week, our pick for the inspirational website of the week goes to ContraBureau. It has an exceptional design with a killer introduction and sharp typography that truly sets it apart.
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Web devs, meet your new soulmate
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The WebContainer API has been made widely available to developers after being tested by millions of developers and working in collaboration with browser vendors. With this API, Node.js can now be directly integrated into web applications, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient web development process.
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Getting Started with Style Queries
Una Kravets explains what style queries are how we can use them for building dynamic, responsive interfaces.
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WebGL Displacement Transition Tutorial
Robin Payot started a new channel on YouTube that will teach you how to code amazing visual effects. In this first video he shows how to code a WebGL displacement transition for images.
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Creating carved surfaces using Three.js
Charlotte Dann shares how she achieved the jaw-dropping 2D-to-3D textured surface effect in Ceramics, her first generative art NFT project.
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MakeReign Academy
An academy by MakeReign that will help you kickstart your UI/UX career.
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Ten tips for better CSS transitions and animations
Josh Collinsworth shares some really great tips on how to optimize CSS transitions and animation for a better user experience.
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Oreo Smash Donuts
Some super creative 3D typography animations by Steve Gardner.
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Strudel REPL
Strudel is a music live coding environment for the browser, porting the TidalCycles pattern language to JavaScript.
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Simplified Dark Mode With Style Queries
Learn how with the new style queries feature we can simplify dark mode styles. By Stephanie Eckles.
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Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
Matt Frisbie is making a good point by showing how to code a Chrome extension that steals a vast amount of data, despite the restrictions brought by Manifest v3.
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Arthur Engel Portfolio
Arthur Engel has created an impressive interactive portfolio featuring a futuristic lab and a robot made with Three.js, React, Drei, and GSAP. The entire project was modeled using Blender.
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Theatre.js Tutorial
In this video tutorial you will learn how to use Theatre.js and create a stunning animation for the web.
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Motion Carousel
A fantastic carousel made with WebGL and GLSL and Canvas. By Michal Zalobny.
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Living Virtuously
A beautiful exploration of the Seven Heavenly Virtues to learn more about how ancient philosophy and virtue ethics might contribute to a happier life today. A collaboration between Davide Baratta and Francesco Michelini.
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On Container Queries, Responsive Images, and JPEG-XL
In the light the arrival of Container Queries, Jason Grigsby revisit responsive images and asks how they fit in a container query world.
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The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023
Zach Leatherman reviews some popular site generators using JavaScript by weight, size and other metrics.
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Matrix rain effect
A tutorial on how to create the Matrix Rain effect in a HTML Canvas element using TypeScript and React. By Maarten Hus.
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UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #29
A fresh compilation of Dribbble shots showcasing creative animations and motion designs for your inspiration.
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Double Image Hover Effects with Clip-Path Animations
Some ideas for hover effects using clip-path animations where the same image gets revealed in a creative way.
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