Collective #750

Inspirational Website of the Week: DL
David Lubofsky's portfolio showcases a captivating and unique design, featuring a bold and playful typeface that immediately draws the viewer in. With a strong focus on the human element, this portfolio creates a highly engaging and personalized experience that showcases David's talents and skills in a memorable and impactful way.
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Developer-friendly eSignature API that scales with your workflows
The signNow API is here to surprise you β always in a good way. We have designed the API to make it quick and easy for developers to build, test, and go live with an eSignature integration in one day instead of months.

TresJS is to VueJS what React-three-fiber is to React. You can build 3D scene as they were Vue components. By Alvaro Sabu.
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Understanding the GraphQL Type System
Learn about GraphQL types and learn how to use them to build a complete GraphQL schema. A tutorial by Tania Rascia.
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Create a stylish material switch effect with ThreeJS and GLSL
Francesco Michelini shows how to create a custom shader that allows to switch between two different matcaps in a stylish way.
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Typographic Hierarchy in Print, Web & App Design
An excellent article on how to achieve better overall typographic hierarchy and enhance important parts of a UI.
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Real-time hand tracking
An absolutely stunning experiment made by Xavier (Jack): real time hand tracking made with Three.js.
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Learn Images
The newest course on "Learn Images" will teach you all about image formats, compression, responsive images, and performance.
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The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond
Ahmad Shadeed takes a modern look at responsive web design and explores what's in for the future.
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Accessible hamburger buttons without JavaScript
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a fully accessible hamburger button using only HTML and CSS.
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An incredible tool to create realistic computer-generated handwriting.
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Todogrids is a todolist with a GitHub-style calendar heat map.
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A new cool app where you can share your dock and see who else has docked the apps you use.
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Getlog is a stunning free changelog for your product, itβs completely free and takes just minutes to set up.
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Container Queries and Typography
Robin Rendle shows some examples of how to use container queries in regards to text.
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Forking Chrome to render in a terminal
An amazing article by Fathy Boundjadj where you'll learn how to make Chrome render in a terminal!
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CSS color-mix()
Adam Argyle shows how to mix colors, in any of the supported color spaces, right from your CSS.
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Cal: Open Scheduling Infrastructure
In case you didn't know about it: an open source scheduling infrastructure for everyone.
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An interactive music visualizer tool made with Three.js, which allows for a dynamic visualization of music through animations. To fully experience the spatial audio aspect of the visualization, it is recommended to use headphones.
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PSone.css is a Playstation 1 style CSS Framework created by 98mprice.
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Awesome Demos Roundup #23
The latest compilation of innovative and captivating demos and code experiments from the web.
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Bringing Letters to Life: Coding a Kinetic SVG Typography Animation
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to recreate a captivating motion type effect using SVG and GreenSock.
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