Collective #748

Inspirational Website of the Week: Haus Holiday Wonderland
A lush and joyful design with visuals that will leave you with a warm feeling in your belly! Our pick this week.
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Power up your Form Submissions
Add access controls, business process management and communication to your form submission results.
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Annual Awards — The best of the web 2022
Honoring the exceptional talent and hard work of the top web designers, developers, and agencies around the globe, Awwwards showcases the best in the industry based on your vote.
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Git security vulnerabilities announced
Git users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version, especially if they use `git archive`, work in untrusted repositories, or use Git GUI on Windows.
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GSAP Codepens 2022
Discover a captivating collection of Codepen demos created using GSAP, showcasing the full potential of this powerful animation tool.
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Precedent is an all-in-one solution for Next.js projects, offering a comprehensive suite of features including components, hooks, and utilities.
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SSSVG: An Interactive SVG Reference
Quickly look up how to define SVG shapes, transforms, masks, patterns, gradients, text and more in this visual & interactive SVG reference.
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Meet the Meebits, 20k metaverse-ready voxel beings making moves. Unlock MB1.1, play with your Meebit, download your image to share on social, and join their next adventure.
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Own Your Data
Delete your account or access the personal data organizations have on you using this free service.
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Summer Afternoon
Transport yourself to a picturesque, sun-drenched world with this WebGL experiment, created by Vicente Lucendo.
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Water Wave Simulation
In this article you will learn how to use the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to create a realistic water wave animation and simulation.
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How To Make a Website
The article provides a breakdown on how to make a good website, including some insight on the author's design process and what elements are important to consider when creating a website.
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The gotcha of unhandled promise rejections
Jake Archibald shows how preventUnhandledRejections
does the trick when dealing with unhandled promise rejections.

A framework for creating desktop apps from websites, using system installed browsers and NodeJS.
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Interpolation and Animation 補完とアニメーション
Learn about the practice of using interpolation in animation, where movement is created by determining the beginning and ending positions and filling in the gaps between them. A bilingual article by kyndinfo.
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How to draw ideas
Ralph Ammer shows four creativity-boosting ways of using drawing to get more ideas.
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The truth about CSS selector performance
Patrick Brosset explains some interesting facts about CSS selector perfromance and how to use the Microsoft Edge DevTools performance tool to have insight into performance.
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6 Common SVG Fails (and How to Fix Them)
Learn about six specific things to look for when debugging inline SVGs, especially when they are not visible in the browser DevTools. By Mariana Beldi.
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On-Scroll Typography Animations
Inspiration and ideas for on-scroll typography animations that add an extra layer of creativity to a website design.
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Start speaking a new language in just three weeks with Babbel
Learning to speak a new language goes beyond just vocabulary: it’s about being able to hold a real-life conversation with a local, and understanding the culture and the people of each place. Consider Babbel your expert-led passport to learning, with 10-minute lessons that are so effective, many users feel confident speaking a new language in just three weeks. Supplement those with the podcasts, games, articles and live online classes for a well-rounded education in weeks.
Start learning a new language (and culture) today for up to 55% off