Collective #7
CSS3 Animated Media Queries

Learn how to start using media queries and how to combine CSS transition with them in order to show an animated change of your website elements.
Read itWeb Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration

Web Design Inspiration


With Breezi you can design, edit & launch interactive websites in minutes. It's free for those who sign up for the service until the end of April.
Try itCSS Arrow Please!

Do you need an arrow shape in pure CSS? Are you tired of looking up how it's done? With this little CSS arrow configurator you can simply create the arrow you need and copy the CSS.
Check it outUsability Design Considerations for Web Forms

Kayla Knight explains the design perspective of web form usability and how certain aspects will make it easier to use a form.
Read itAutomatic responsive images in WordPress

Learn how to use the Responsive Enhance script in Wordpress in order to serve images with the right resolution.
Read itCSS3 Scroll Effects

Hakim might call them silly, but they are certainly übercool: some awesome list scroll effects that show how you can go crazy and add some depth to shallow lists.
Get it25 Free Photoshop Image Processing Actions

WeGraphics gives us a really useful freebie: some great Photoshop actions for manipulating photos. The set was created by Nathan Brown.
Get itShould the Standard Property Be Omitted for Some CSS3 Features?

Louis Lazaris explains the problems of listing the standard CSS property after the lines with the vendor-specific notation for some cases.
Read itRetina Images

Retina Images is a PHP/JS solution for serving different images based on the device being used by the viewer.
Get itMedia Query & Asset Downloading Results

Tim Kadlec shares his insightful test results of how images are downloaded when media queries are involved.
Read itHTML5 Drag and Drop Tutorial

Andrey Prikaznov shows us how to sort photos into albums using the HTML5 drag and drop functionality.
Read itCanvas Animation Playground

Matthias Schütz developed HTMLiveCode, a great browser-based editor for real-time HTML/CSS/JS prototyping. Canvas Animation Playground is an experimental tool for creating HTML5 canvas animations built on HMLiveCode.
Get itSweetiePlus Icon Set

SweetiePlus is a new and enhanced version of the lovely icon set Sweetie. You can use it under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license and it's useful for websites and apps.
Get itjQuery(This)

jQuery(This) is a fresh new resource site for jQuery plugins, tutorials and interviews with developers.
Get itStory Wheel

Story Wheel lets you record a story around your Instragram pictures and share it on the web as a nostalgic slideshow.
Try itScriffon

Scriffon is not another blogging platform but a free tool for publishing written work on the web. From essays to short novels, from recipes to how-tos and more.
Try itFree Font MOLESK

Molesk is a beautiful font that is part of a fundraising project (Type Factory).
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