Collective #60
Inspirational Website of the Week

Paper & Paint redefines scrolling effects but adding subtle movements to images. A smooth experience with a great design.
Get inspiredjQuery 2.0 Released

The arrival of jQuery 2.0 is an epic milestone: reduced size, no more support for IE6/7/8, custom builds for even smaller files and more.
Read itWireKit: iPhone App Wireframing Kit

Adam Whitcroft created this excellent wireframe kit with the most common UI elements from an iPhone 5.
Get itshame.css
Harry Roberts suggests to separate nasty, hacky, quick-fix CSS from all the well-defined CSS rules and add it to a shame.css that can then be worked on and cleaned. Just brilliant!
Read itFree Font: Bamq

A beautiful and unique typeface design by Gulay Inceoglu inspired by the modern minimalist architecture.
Get itFlexy Boxes

Flexy Boxes is a very useful flexbox playground and code generator by Pete Boere.
Check it outList of Pseudo-Elements to Style Form Controls

A great compilation of the pseudo-elements to style form controls by TJ VanToll.
Read itVerlet-JS

Verlet-JS a simple Verlet integration physics engine written in JavaScript by Sub Protocol. Check out the examples to see it in action.
Check it outThe Tragedy of Perfectionism

A very inspiring read by Magnus Schifter-Holm about the fabric of perfectionism. If you are interested in entrepreneurial philosophy you'll definitely like this article.
Read itbluePen CSS Editor

With bluePen you can edit your website's CSS online in real time and save your modifications.
Check it outPure CSS3 breadcrumb navigation

A great walkthrough on The Code Player of a pure CSS3 breadcrumb navigation.
Check it outAnimating flexboxes: the lowdown

Chris Mills plays around with flexboxes, animations and transitions and shares his insights in this tutorial.
Check it outWired 1.0

Wired is a wireframe kit for sketch app including a .png and .eps kit for everyone else. Created by Mark Collins.
Get itVexel - Redraw any image with pure CSS!

Did you know that you can create quite impressive pixel re-creations of any image just with CSS? Try this fun tool and see how.
Check it outFlexNav - Flexible, Device Agnostic Navigation

FlexNav is a jQuery Plugin for responsive menus that makes using complex site navigation easy.
Check it outflatApples (PSD)

Some nice, flat Apple devices for your mockups by Stoyan Daskaloff.
Get itPreventing the Performance Hit from Custom Fonts

A round up of Chris Coyier on how to optimize performance when it comes to loading web fonts.
Read itEldorado mini free

Eldorado mini is a free version of Eldorado icons and includes 40×40 sized pixel-perfect PNGs.
Get itSly: Scrolling Library

Sly is a JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support. It depends on jQuery 1.7+ and is developed by Darsain.
Check it outLayoutIt!

With LayoutIt! and its drag & drop interface builder you can create your front-end code simple and quickly with Bootstrap.
Try itSlate Collection of Stylized Apple Product PSDs

Another great collection of useful Apple product templates for your mockups by Bright Bright Great.
Get it