Collective #526

Inspirational Website of the Week: Jomor Design
Jo Mor's portfolio is a super-smooth scrolling experience with lots of nice details.
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Divi: The Powerful Visual Page Builder
Divi is a revolutionary WordPress theme and visual page builder for WordPress. With Divi, you can build your website visually. Add, arrange and design content and watch everything happen instantly right before your eyes.
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A library that uses a CSS mix-blend-mode for adding dark mode to a website.
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How to Section Your HTML
A very useful in-depth reference on how to use <nav>, <aside>, <article>, and <section>.
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Drop caps & design systems
Ethan Marcotte's interesting article about drop caps and the techniques involved in using them on the web.
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Servo is a modern, high-performance browser engine designed for both application and embedded use. Created by Mozilla Research.
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Marking Required Fields in Forms
Raluca Budiu explains why only marking optional fields in a form is not very user-friendly.
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A CLI that generates beautiful files by suggesting you default answers from your package.json and git configuration.
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How to Increase Your Page Size by 1,500% with webpack and Vue
Burke Holland's satirical take on performance cutting alternations you end up doing in projects if you're not careful.
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Optimizing Google Fonts Performance
Danny Cooper shows how to load Google Fonts in the most optimal way.
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CSS Day 2019: some things I learned
A great summary of CSS Day 2019 by Hidde de Vries.
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Introducing "Ions", an extension to the Atomic Design
Chris Cid adds a third dimension to the Atomic Design principle and explains how to use it.
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Building a Web-Based Motion Graphics Editor
Alyssa X writes about her quest for creating a modern web-based motion graphics editor.
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A project where you can randomly connect to a player around the world and challenge him/her for a game of no blinking.
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Create 3D games with friends, no experience required
Read how you can use the Google Game Builder to easily create games without coding.
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Sustainable Web Manifesto
Some important guidelines to follow for a more sustainable web.
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Actix web
Actix web is a small, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
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Free Font: Basier Mono
This modern and neutral monospaced font is based on the Basier font family and comes with a free regular style.
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The Technical Side of Design Systems
Brad Frost's talk at CSS Day 2019 about the technical aspects of creating and maintaining design systems.
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How To Create A PDF From Your Web Application
In this article, Rachel Andrew takes a look at the tools that are available for creating a PDF from a web application.
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A React/ApolloGraphQL/Node/Mongo project boilerplate that Jason Werner open-sourced after his client decided not to pay him.
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Draggable Menu with Image Grid Previews
A draggable inline menu with a scattered thumbnail preview of an image grid.
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