Collective #288

Inspirational Website of the Week: Thaddé Méneur
An interesting slideshow and some smooth effects combined with some nice typography. Our pick this week.
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LayerSnap! Markup-based SVG Animations
LayerSnap is a great open-source tool for a more user-friendly, markup-based approach to configuring SVG animations.
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CSSRooster takes your HTML code as input, including CSS styles, and then writes class names for your HTML tags by analyzing the patterns hidden in your code.
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Bridging CSS and JS with Custom Properties
Learn some best practices around using CSS Custom Properties as a bridge between CSS and JavaScript.
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JavaScript Start-up Performance
A fantastic article by Addy Osmani on start-up times and performance of JavaScript in the browser.
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A curated collection of data structures for the JavaScript language. By Guillaume Plique.
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The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site I Build
Philip Walton shares his "boilerplate" analytics.js implementation and shows how to use some interesting features.
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An Introduction to the Reduced Motion Media Query
Eric Bailey writes about the new and very interesting Reduced Motion Media Query.
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Preparing and Exporting SVG Icons in Sketch
A great guide on how to prepare and export icons for the Web, iOS and Android using Sketch. By Anthony Collurafici.
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JavaScript without Loops
Learn how control structures like loops introduce complexity and what to do about it. By James Sinclair.
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Free Font: Noway
Atipo's refreshing new font family with a unique touch.
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Rings Navigation Concept
A cool menu demo by Bennett Feely.
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If you love Chrome Exensions but not the store, then this might be interesting.
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CSS Property Syntax Cheatsheet
Decipher the CSS property syntax in the specs with this helpful cheat sheet. Especially useful for understanding the new CSS Grid module. By Chen Hui Jing.
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WebPack is not the only way
Learn about FuseBox, a new generation bundler and module loader for complex project requirements.
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An awesome open-source platform that let's you search any geographic location and watch the terrain form into a physical model.
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The Insecure Designer
A delightful article on the two-sided nature of perfectionism and a designer's insecurities.
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Code Smells in CSS Revisited
Harry Roberts revisits his 'Code Smells in CSS' article and adds some helpful fresh insights.
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Status Page
Netlify gives you a free status page for your project.
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Free Font: Realla
A wonderfully artistic font designed by Gehan Magee.
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Inspiration for Search UI Effects
A couple of schematic, inspirational proof-of-concepts for how to show the search interface on a website using CSS animations.
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