Bi-Weekly Frontend News

Collective #222


HyperDev (beta)

In Joel Spolsky's words: "HyperDev is going to be the fastest way to bang out code and get it running on the internet." If you're into serious coding, this will be your new go to address. Read more about this amazing new code editor here.

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Type Terms

Learn type terms with this beautifully animated typographic cheat sheet. Made by Supremo.

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Microlight.js is a tiny open-source library which improves readability of code snippets by highlighting, for any programming language, without attaching additional language-packages or styles. Made by Dmitry Prokashev.

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AnyPixel.js is an open-source software and hardware library that makes it possible to use the web to create big, unusual, interactive displays out of all kinds of things. Anyone can fork the code and the schematics to create their own display at any scale. By Google.

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Radial SVG Slider

Claudia Romano made this creative slider component with a radial transition effect powered by SVG clipPath and mask elements.

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Learn all about MTCHMV, an experiment that explores how After Effects 3D camera tracking can be exported and used on the web. By Jam3.

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State of the gap

Remy Sharp writes about the current status of PhoneGap, the long used bridge between web applications and mobile devices.

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A Node.js package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional mail. By Elad Nava.

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