Collective #22
Inspirational Website of the Week

35mm Design by Steve Scavo is our website pick of the week for its bold design and innovative effects.
Get inspiredResponsive Design’s Dirty Little Secret

A great article by John Albin Wilkins about how fluid grids cause some unpleasant side-effects: rounding errors. Why they happen and what can we do about it? Read this interesting write-up and the valuable discussion that follows.
Read itSneekpeekit: Sketch Sheets

Sneekpeekit offers some great mobile, tablet, browser and wireframe sketch sheets for the quick design ideas.
Get itNinja Power: Open-Source HTML5 Toolset

A great article on Ars Technica about three developers behind a new app framework and animation tool explaining their creation.
Read itFree Font: Nexa

Fontfabric type foundry offers two styles (light & bold) of this elegant font for free.
Get itCoding A Responsive Resume in HTML5/CSS3

Jake Rocheleau shows us how to code a responsive single-page resume layout in this tutorial on Hongkiat
Read itListicons: Arrows & Bullets Webfont

A modern set of 52 mini arrows and bullet points by MediaLoot for you next project. Includes a practical @font-face kit.
Get itResponsive Web Design is Your Responsibility

Teylor Feliz talks about RWD and gives some tips on how to start creating websites that are responsive.
Read itImages account for 63% of page weight

In this recent Tweet, Paul Irish points our some interesting stats about the page weight of a website. Accounting for 63%, images are the biggest concern, making whining about the amount of JS "a bit silly" and demanding for vector-based solutions when going Retina.
Check it outtacionJS: Mobile Real-time Presentations

A jQuery Mobile framework for creating real-time presentations.
Check it outphp.js - PHP VM with JavaScript
Interesting library that reads PHP code and transforms it into JavaScript which can be run in the PHP VM of this library, giving the same results as the PHP.
Try itHow can a programmer learn to design websites that don't suck

Vasco Pinho shares his thoughts and experience on how to start designing nicer websites as a programmer.
Read itBookletsworld

Create your own e-booklet with this online tool which works with a mobile first approach, making the booklets look great on mobile devices.
Try Free Icons for Your Games

With almost 900 vector icons, this free set will come in incredibly handy for anybody designing a game. They are licensed under CC BY 3.0 and you can download them all at once.
Get themSublime Text 2: Package Control and Livereload

Read this summary of how to use a full-featured package manager with Sublime Text 2.
Read itResponsive Design Test

Want to quickly test your website in different browser sizes (mobile) and have a handy overview? Then you'll like this online tool that let's you load any website into differently sized viewports/devices (from 240 to 1024 pixel) and test their responsiveness.
Try itFree Font: Of Concrete

Of Concrete is a grunge font face with a stylized shadow and dirt particles. This is an excellent font for gig poster designs.
Get itSocial Media Buttons

A beautiful set of CSS3 coded, responsive-ready and scalable social media buttons by Todd Motto.
Get themStep by step from jQuery to Backbone
Kim Joar Bekkelund shares this great guide on how to transition from jQuery to Backbone.js.
Read itEric Meyer on the past, present and future of CSS

An inspiring .net interview with Eric Meyer, co-founder of An Event Apart, where he talks to Tom May about how he helped make CSS what it is today, and where it's going in the future.
Read itJob Board is a new job board where you can find and list jobs for web designers and web developers. But it's not like any other job board: you will actually support a volunteer organization that teaches future designers and developers. Amber Weinberg and Paul Maloney are the brilliant minds behind this platform.
Check it outThink Vertical: The Influence of Mobile Design on Orientation

Read how mobile web design has influenced our thinking about orientation when designing modern websites.
Read itforkit.js
Hakim El Hattab shares his latest experiment with us: an animated ribbon which reveals a curtain of additional content.
Read it