Collective #154

Inspirational Website of the Week: Ashworth GOLF/MAN
Stunning interactions and a beautiful interplay of shapes and motion make this website a winner.
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HTML5 Boilerplate 5.0
The fifth version of the famous HTML5 boilerplate is out. Check out what's new.
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Accessible modal dialogs
An in-depth article on how to create fully accessible modal dialogs by Marco Zehe.
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Non-blocking UI's with interface previews
Callum Hart explores the "interface previews" technique and shows why they help create a non-blocking UI experience.
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Bouncy Navigation
A lovely full-screen menu component by Claudia Romano from CodyHouse.
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Free Font: PIER
A creative free font by Mehmet Reha Tugcu.
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Laravel 5 is Released!
Version 5 of one of the most powerful PHP frameworks is out. Check out the homepage and also the free lessons by Jeffrey Way.
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A collection of animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
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Reframing Accessibility for the Web
Anne Gibson sets the definition of accessibility on the web straight and shows how to test accessibility properly.
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Imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery
The creator of what must be the most know portfolio ever, Adham Dannaway, tells the amazing story behind his work and the way it was copied by so many.
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Material Progress
With Mprogress.js you can create Google Material Design progress bars with CSS and JavaScript.
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Twitter's "fave" animation
Donovan Hutchinson shows how to recreate the Twitter fav animation using the CSS animation steps timing function.
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Mr. Doob released this interesting procedural texture generator.
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Making a Single Page App Without a Framework
Danny Markov shows how to create a framework-less SPA in this in-depth tutorial.
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What Will Save Us from the Dark Side of CSS Pre-Processors?
An interesting article on CSS pre-processors and their dark side by Lyza Danger Gardner on A List Apart.
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Designing For The Elderly: Ways Older People Use Digital Technology Differently
An interesting article on designing for elderly people by Ollie Campbell.
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Interaction Design Best Practices: Mastering the Tangibles
A free e-book by UXPin on interaction design.
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Free Font: Timber
A beautiful free font by designer Mathieu Desjardins.
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An exploration in Material Design
A great article by Arthur Bodolec in which he explores Google's Material Design.
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Transitioning to SCSS at Scale
A great article by Dan Na on how to move to SCSS and how to utilize Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs).
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A an interesting new CSS concept called RSCSS (Reasonable Standard for CSS Stylesheet Structure) by Rico Sta. Cruz.
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