Collective #126
Inspirational Website of the Week: Garden

Garden is a beautifully designed website with some smart line drawing effects and a lovely color scheme. Our pick this week.
Get inspiredTen CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps

Learn about how CSS Figures will help create complex page layouts with ease. An article by Håkon Wium Lie on A List Apart.
Read itDomFlags

With DomFlags you can create keyboard shortcuts to DOM elements for a faster inspection when developing. By Philip LaPier.
Check it outPatternBolt

Patternbolt is a great selection of SVG pattern background, packed in a single CSS or SCSS file.
Check it outThe Principles of Adaptive Design

Brad Frost re-analyzes responsive design and summarizes the essential ingredients for an adaptive website.
Read itResponsive Images: Use Cases and Documented Code Snippets to Get You Started

A fantastic summery by Andreas Bovens on how to use the new true responsive image solution with the <picture> element.
Read it3D Items Quick View

A great tutorial on how to add a lovely 3D animation for gallery items. By Sebastiano Guerriero from Codyhouse.
Check it outNo JS Mini Demos

Some examples of CSS only methods to display messages when filling out forms. By Scott O'Hara.
Check it outResponsive Logos

Joe Harrison's awesome experiment for resonsive logo design. Resize your window to see it in action.
Check it outA Compendium of SVG Information

A thorough collection of useful resources for everything related to SVG.
Read itAwesome Awesomeness

A curated list of awesome lists of great resources for various programming languages. Collected by Alexander Bayandin.
Check it out65 free icons (PSD, AI, EPS)

A lovely icon set by Pavel Kozlov.
Get itImage comparison slider with pure CSS

Lea Verou's elegant CSS only solution for an image comparison slider utilizing the resize property.
Check it outMagic Tools

A list of game development resources to make magic happen. By Ellison Leão.
Check it outFree Font: Skip Leg Day

Dilem Akiner designed this beautiful and playful font.
Get itCritical

With Critical by Addy Osmani you can extract and inline critical-path CSS from HTML.
Check it outHow To Create an Origami Style Logomark in Illustrator

An Illustrator tutorial by Chris Spooner on how to create a lovely origami-style logo.
Check it out<dialog> element: shipped in Chrome 37 Beta

Chrome Beta has landed its native support for <dialog> element without needing the "Enable experimental Web Platform features" flag turned on.
Check it outHow Do You Design Interaction?

Luca Leone gives some insight on how he approaches designing interaction without drawing first.
Read itAwesome Node.js

A curated list of delightful Node.js packages and resources by Sindre Sorhus.
Check it outGitHub's CSS

Mark Otto gives us some interesting insight into GitHub's CSS.
Read itResources for HTML5 game developers

A collection of resources for HTML5 game development on Mozilla Hacks.
Read it