Bi-Weekly Frontend News

Collective #105

Inspirational Website of the Week: Hologram Studio


The website of Hologram Studio has a futuristic touch with some interesting transitions and effects. Our pick this week.

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Sticker.js is an awesome JavaScript library that creates a peeling sticker look and interaction on elements.

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Code Guide


Code Guide is a collection of standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS. Curated by GitHub designer Mark Otto.

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Off The Beaten Canvas: Exploring The Potential Of The Off-Canvas Pattern


Kyle Peatt is exploring off-canvas layouts and some interesting use cases in this Smashing Magazine article.

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Matter.js is a 2D HTML5 JavaScript physics engine by Liam Brummitt.

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CSS Shake


Sometimes you just need to shake things up a little bit. With CSSShake by Lionel you can easily add some jiggle to elements.

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Responsive Strategy


A great overview of the current strategies that are used to make sites responsive, or better, make them viewable on smaller devices. An article by Brad Frost.

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I want to use


Powered by data from, this site tells you how many users will be able to use a specific feature you intend to use in your project.

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A text editor by GitHub. It's modern, approachable, and hackable to the core, and you can request a beta invite.

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background vs background-color CSS Performance Investigation


Learn how to use the timeline in Chrome Dev Tools by watching Paul Irish analyse the performance of background and background-color.

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Honest logos


A very sincere and quite funny logo series that reveals the actual content of a company. A project by Victor Hertz.

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With Peek you can get a 5-minute video of a real person using your site.

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Gmail Redesign Concept


Ruslan Aliev put a lot of creativity and thought into this fantastic Gmail redesign.

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Float Labels with CSS


A very nice tutorial by Chris Coyier on how to create some floating labels for form inputs.

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Albumarium – Find & give inspiration


Find and share free images from different categories. A project by Vilem Ries.

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Using blend modes in HTML Canvas


Learn about canvas blend modes and check out some interesting usage examples in designing games or photo editing.

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The Troublesome Misconception of Parallax in Web Design


Rob Palmer talks about the misconception of the parallax effect and tries to rectify the erroneous views.

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How Nesting 3D Transformed Elements Works


Ana Tudor will guide you step by step through the process of nesting animated 3D transform elements.

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Only 90s Web Developers Remember This


Remember using the 1x1.gif for positioning elements? Or abusing on the non-breaking space? Then you might be one of those veteran web developers who will get nostalgic when reading this satiric and delightful article by Zach Holman.

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Ocean: Realistic water shader for Three.js


A Three.js shader by Jérémy Bouny to provide a realistic plane water effect. It can be used to render water, like a complete ocean or small surfaces of water in real time.

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Circle, square, triangle, dolphin


Literally what it says in the title... be careful, you might want to watch this for at least an hour :) A really nice pen by Max Gruson.

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40 Free Stroke Icons


40 free sample line icons from the Sympletts icon pack by Bogdan Rosu.

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Free Font: Pesaro Light


Pesaro is an elegant new type family by Hoftype and you can get the light style for free.

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