In this category you will find articles about web design, web development and related topics. Here we also feature inspirational collections, opinions and articles about best practices.
One of the fastest and most intuitive page builders is an integral part of BeTheme’s’ all-in-one WordPress toolkit. Learn more about how the Muffin Live Builder can transform the way you work.
You need to build a portfolio for your web design business, but are stressed about the time commitment. Don’t be. With the new and improved Muffin Builder, you can have it online ASAP.
Learn how to transform images and videos for 10 popular use cases, such as image thumbnails and placeholders; as well as video transitions and previews.
Want to empower your website visitors to schedule their own appointments or secure their spot at your next event? Use the Amelia WordPress plugin to get more bookings today.
Geometric figures, lines, and spaces can all be used to improve the usability of a website. Here are 7 ways you can creatively put geometry to use in web design.