Latest Tweets Tooltip with jQuery
In Playground,
If you have a news website, it might be interesting for you to allow your users to see the latests tweets about a topic. Here is a jQuery plugin for […]
In Playground,
If you have a news website, it might be interesting for you to allow your users to see the latests tweets about a topic. Here is a jQuery plugin for […]
In Playground,
Here’s an improved version of the Micro Image Gallery Plugin. I have added some features as suggested in the comments, specifically the auto play function, the possibility to add descriptions […]
In Playground,
There’s a new version here. In many blogs and news sites images are mostly included as an addition to the content. Space is often limited and therefore we thought of […]
In Playground,
Here is a very nice effect for photos or some black and white images. We are using some CSS sprites for the photos to create a darken effect when hovering […]
In Playground,
Here is a jQuery plugin that makes use of the CSS Mania API. CSS Mania is a well known website showcase site where designs can be submitted and rated. A […]
In Playground,
Here is a very simple way ho to create a heat map with jQuery. The idea is to track the clicks of a user and then display the click pattern […]
In Playground,
How to get client ip address with jQuery $.getJSON(“”,function(data){ alert( “Your ip: ” + data.ip); }); How to parse XML with jQuery file.xml: <?xml version=”1.0″ ?> <result> <item> <id>1</id> <title>title1</title> […]
In Playground,
How to hide all children div except a specific one with jQuery? $(‘#target div:not(#exclude)’).hide(); //or $(‘#target’).children().filter(‘:not(#exclude)’).hide(); Detecting when a div’s height changes using jQuery $(‘element’).bind(‘resize’, function(){ alert( ‘Height changed to’ […]
In Playground,
Check if cookies are enabled $(document).ready(function() { var dt = new Date(); dt.setSeconds(dt.getSeconds() + 60); document.cookie = “cookietest=1; expires=” + dt.toGMTString(); var cookiesEnabled = document.cookie.indexOf(“cookietest=”) != -1; if(!cookiesEnabled){ //cookies are […]
In Playground,
Here’s an effect based on the one used in fml to stop and pause an event. The idea is that when we click on the play/pause button or press the […]
In Playground,
How to refresh the src of an image with jQuery? $(imageobj).attr(‘src’, $(imageobj) .attr(‘src’) + ‘?’ + Math.random() ); How to see if an image is loaded or not with jquery […]
In Playground,
Here’s a way to scroll to the top or bottom of your website with a simple click. I have used the jQuery special scroll events from James Padolsey, and some […]
In Playground,
Here’s a jQuery plugin that transforms a number into a human readable format. This plugin formats a number like 23454321234 into 23.454.321.234 . You can use different delimiters like the […]
In Playground,
Ever missed the bookmarking option of a good editor in a web site? This jQuery plugin does exactly that: if you want your website visitors to be able to toggle […]
In Playground,
The double-click functionality in the New York Times was somehow fascinating but also highly discussed because it boldly used the browser functionality to get the definitions of words. Fortunately, the […]
In Playground,
Every web developer knows how difficult it can be to decide how to provide feedback to the user in form of an error or a success message. When submitting forms […]
In Playground,
Here is a new plugin for creating nice sliding captions for images. When hovering over the image, the caption appears and the image gets a semi-transparent color overlay. You can […]
In Playground,
jPaginate is a jQuery pagination plugin that comes with a twist: animated page numbers. The user can slide through the available page numbers by clicking or just hovering over the […]