Here’s a jQuery plugin that transforms a number into a human readable format. This plugin formats a number like 23454321234 into 23.454.321.234 . You can use different delimiters like the […]
Today we will create a fancy social bookmarking solution which will not require any JavaScript – it is only CSS based. We will hang up some rotated social bookmark icons […]
Here’s an easy way to translate your web site using PHP. The idea is to have several files for each language you want to provide. Each one of these files […]
Currently we are in the “hey, let’s do that flash thing in jQuery”-mood and so we came up with another idea: a rotating billboard system. In this tutorial we will […]
In today’s tutorial I am going to show you, how to create an amazing animated scenery with just a few lines of jQuery and some absolute positioned elements with images. […]
Inspired by David Walsh’s top navigation bar that gets semi-transparent when you scroll down the page, I decided to create a tutorial out of that idea. The aim is to […]
After I got a lot of feedback for the Beautiful Slide Out Navigation, I had some new ideas for a similar horizontal navigation. Thanks a lot to everyone! Like Stefan […]
Our site was getting kind of slow, so I decided to read some articles about how to speed up a WordPress blog. While many give really great tips on what […]
Ever missed the bookmarking option of a good editor in a web site? This jQuery plugin does exactly that: if you want your website visitors to be able to toggle […]
The other day I was creating an overlay with a box for Cody’s jTextTranslate jQuery Plugin and I thought, it could be useful to describe the technique in a tutorial. […]
My next Twitter API experiment: Get the theme’s colors from any Twitter account! With this PHP and jQuery code you can call the Twitter API and request the RGB color […]
Today I was playing around with the Twitter API and created this little “widget” using jQuery and PHP. I know, there are already plenty of them, but I wanted to […]
Today I want to show you how to create an amazing slide out menu or navigation for your website. The navigation will be almost hidden – the items only slide […]
The double-click functionality in the New York Times was somehow fascinating but also highly discussed because it boldly used the browser functionality to get the definitions of words. Fortunately, the […]
For our last post Cody asked me to create these two glossy icons for the jFeedback jQuery plugin. We thought, we could post the icons as well with the Photoshop […]
Every web developer knows how difficult it can be to decide how to provide feedback to the user in form of an error or a success message. When submitting forms […]
Here is a new plugin for creating nice sliding captions for images. When hovering over the image, the caption appears and the image gets a semi-transparent color overlay. You can […]